20 week scan I am team.......................


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2008
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We didnt give in under pressure and we stayed team green although my OH reckons he seen boy bits!!! Its all on his head I think!!! :lol:

I was in my scan for around 20 minutes and she only turned the screen to show me the baby for I would say 30 seconds I was so upset but didnt want to say anything because I felt I didnt get to see much of baby!!! But I am over the moon everything is ok with him/her!!! I will try post some pics!!!

Glad it all went okay - we stayed team green as well, it's hard though isn't it!!!! xxx
Yay well done for staying team green... i did with my 1st but just could'nt this time! :lol:
Glad all is ok with bubs, it's a shame she turned the screen away, what a grumpy woman :(
Yay to team green! But boo to the scanner lady, what a meanie :(

Glad all's OK though.
I know its so hard but I am glad I did!!!

Yeh and boo to the scanner lady!!!! :D
glad it went well, why she turn screen thats mean, hope you can share piccies,

Glad everything went well!

You have so much more will power than me, I'm dying to know! :lol:
Glad everything was OK hun! Hope I have as much willpower as you and stick to staying team green! :lol:

What a meanie though, only letting you see for about 30 seconds! That happened to me at my 12 week scan, I was waiting for nearly an hour to go in, and the woman doing it was really rushing! She turned the screen to me after she'd finished doing all the measurements, etc., then said 'right there you go, now hop off the bed'! I saw the baby for about 10 seconds! :roll:
aw glad it went well, my oh and i have decided to find out at our scan...we much too impatient!

not very fair of the scanner...hope you got a good pic tho...

the scan machines at our hosp are linked to tv screens on the wall so you can see it on those...makes it easier!
Glad it all went well apart from the scanner lady boo to her. The hospital I go too also has a monitor we can watch too. Never had the luxury with my other pregnancies tho.
Well because I dont want a 4d scan I have booked a private 2d scan for January still not finding out though!!!

It will be hard but I just think half way there so only another half to go!!! :dance:
:clap: Well done team green - must have been hard! What a shame they didn't show you longer on the scan - at least you have another to look forward to :) Looking forward to the pics x
Yay for team green, well done, you have strong willpower, im trying to muster mine up! :lol:

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