20 week appointment - question


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2008
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i cant believe its only a week on monday till we find out the sex and i get to see my little munchkin again - i am soooo excited!

anyway - the question girls is how many people are you allowed to take in with you? i rang the hospital and they said only one other person besides myself, (my mum wanted to come you see!), i told mum this and she was very upset but her friend told her to just come with us anyway as they may let her come in and see baby too, do you think they will or is he coming for nothing?

i think it just depends on the hospital, they may still not especially if thats what theyve already told you. when i had my 20 week scan there was someones mum waiting outside to find out, but he didnt actually go in with them.. and so im not sure if she would have been allowed to or just chose not to :think:
How exciting - cant wait to find out how the scan went!

No harm in them going along - it might even depend on the person doing the scan. So long as they are warned there is a chance they might not be allowed in, and if they dont mind possibly having to wait, sure it will be fine!!!

Look forward to seeing scan and finding out which team you are in!
At our hospital there were some women who'd bought more than one person along. From what I could see they only took the one person into the scan room with them though.
My 20 week scan the room was so tiny you could only fit one other person in there anyways.

Plus they also stated clearly in the appointment letter that only one person in there and only then an adult. Had to make arrangements for childcare if had other children.

You could see if they would let her in if she goes along anyways. But I'd also consider that other people sat waiting for scans might feel hard done by/pissed off etc if you get an extra person in right under their noses. I personally feel if you've been told one person, its a bit cheeky to take along a second and try to get them in. But thats just me :)
My MIL came to mine as well as my DH but when I rang up before hand to check if it was ok they said yes and the room was pretty big if when I rang they had said no she wouldn't have come. Having said that there is no harm in her going with you and seeing at the time if they say no at least she gets to see pics and find out sex straight after but I would make sure she realises there is a chance they wont let her in and she will have to sit outside and wait!
With my other 20 week scans, they didnt even let Joe in until they had done all the checks etc!
Im using a different hospital this time so I will have to see but they do say only one person and these rooms and small so I doubt I would fit anymore in anyways!
in our hospital as far as i know its only 1 person allowed in. But we were okay since it was only my husband with me.
i took one person with me to my 12 and 20 week scans, but when i got my early detailed scan due to my spina bifida results i took my mum and OH and they were fine with that, they have two chairs in the room so maybe they sometimes know people take more than one person
i think its worth a try, sure your mum will want to know how it all went asap anyways and if shes waiting outside for you thats not too bad is it, she'll probabsly be glad to be involved even if shes not geting to see the baby at the scan, gets to see the pics straight after !!

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