2 year old baby???


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Im expecting my second (as most of you know) and Jaycee has been fine up until this week. Before she would rub my belly and say ''baby in there'', and when id pick her up she would say ''Dont squash baby mummy!!'' Which was cute and i loved it! She even played more with her baby dolls feeding, changing and putting to 'bed', but now she's acting like a baby! Which concerns me! Like, halfway through her dinner she stops and says, ''mummy feed me like a baby''and refuses to eat unless i feed her (i dont unless she really hasnt had much to eat! Ill give her a few mouthfuls then get her to do it herself and she does) or lay on my lap like a baby and say ''bottle like a baby'', i keep telling her she's a big girl now but she wont accept it! She says ''no mummy! Im baby!''
Ive heard kids can go thru this when a second is on the way or has arrived, but i just hope she grows out of it before baby comes!! Is it a good thing that she is going thru this now so when baby comes it will be out of the way? Or do i have worse to come??
Please any advice and experiences needed! Dont mind if its bad stuff i need preparing!!
I had posted on the other thread. I would just go with it. I always tell Jess even though she is a bigger girl she is still my baby and she still gets 2 bottles a day. I will wait till Joe is about 6 months or so before I start being a little harder. Its called regression and is just her wee way of dealing with the changes. If you fight it you might find it gets worse and I dont see anything wrong with a bit of babying, it will be less stressfull for you. Joe has been here 10 weeks now and Jessicas behaviour is spot on :D ,

It will be cool :D
Thanks hun, hope she gets better when bubs is here! know she will be a great big sister, i just couldnt deal with the jealousy thing! Being the second of 2 girls, my sis was VERY jealous of me and used to hit me and do nasty things to me. Up until the day i gave birth! Even while i was pregnant she had a go! I hated the relationship with my sister and id hate it even more if jaycee ended up like my sister as id probably sympathise with the youngest coz of the shit i went thru! Its hard to explain but i dont want it to come to that! Ill love my children all the same, but it would hurt to have brought them up hating each other. I envy people who have relationships with their sisters.
She was evil to me, i ouldnt want anyone to go thru that, let alone one of my children! I wont go into it coz its long, but its something i feel so strongly about! It almost put me off having more! :(
I have noticed Amy has strted talking like a baby and wanting to be fed, she is nearly 3 and Jack is 9 months and it has only just started!

I am just going to keep convincing her every moment i can that she is mummy's big girl.

I hope that works! :pray:
It's hard as you don't know how to handle it!
Do you ignore it, do you try and take her mind of it?

Oh well one of those joys of being a parent i suppose! :?
Yvonne said:
It's hard as you don't know how to handle it!
Do you ignore it, do you try and take her mind of it?

Oh well one of those joys of being a parent i suppose! :?
Yep! Every child is different and reacts differently to situations like this! its a shame the placenta doesnt carry a handbook for your specific baby!
Mason was really worried about being the "Big brother" I found out it was cos he thought he'd actually get bigger when Brody was born!

I wouldn't worry about the baby thing, just tell her she's your "big" baby. Mason still likes to pretend to be a baby sometimes, usually for a laugh, he'll crawl about and talk baby speak at me. It's their own way of coping it doesn't bother me at all.

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