2 weeks on and close to giving up BF :(


Sep 27, 2006
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Hi all,

My little Angel Finlay is 2 weeks old today. I have been BF since birth, but I am so close to giving up as we just cannot get to grips with it.

I am wondering if I am producing enough milk as I have not had any of the tingling/let down sensations that everyone talks about? My breasts are very large, so I wonder is that why I feel nothing? or could I have no milk? How do you know your breasts are 'drained'???

It is taking me 1.5 - 2 hours to feed and settle Fin, esp at night, and I am exhausted. He sucks well for 10 mins, falls asleep for 5, feeds for 10, sleeps for 5 etc etc. I have tried changing his nappy, stripping him, tickling his toes to make him feed longer but it doesn't work.

I was thinking to express for the night feeds, but when I tried nothing came out? Plus I am having hardly any leakage?

My MW visits have stopped now, and I feel pretty desperate to be honest!

Advice greatly received,
Dolly x :hug:
I would PM either Budge or Tasha - they are good with this!!

:hug: for you!!
Hunthere is a breast feeding chat tonight, come and check it out :hug:
Dolly, do you have any breast feeding support groups near by? They are VERY good. I wouldn't have made it, if it wasn't for their help. They will help make sure you have a good latch etc. Make sure you get as much rest as possible and keep drinking water and eating as much as possible.
Just because you are not getting any let-down sensation or tingling does mean you are not producing milk. Fussing is very common, and a lot of books say not to express until after 6 weeks. It took Debs a good fortnight or so to get the hang on what she needed to do and ALL babies are fussy at night. Now Debs is a bit older and has an established bed time at 7 pm she is much better but before then she was a howler at night. Nicky has a good idea with checking in with your local breast feeding clinic. Your local La Leche League or NCT should also be able to help too. I'm sure Budge and Tasha will also have great ideas.
First of all big hug, youve done amazingly well to get this far with this trouble :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I havent experienced what you have, but I am sure there is something that can be done to make life easier for you both.

As Nicky has suggested, find a local support group and lactation consultant, even tho your HV and Midwife no longer come out you will have there number still, ring you HV and ask were you can get support.

It does sound like you have poor latch which is why he doesnt seem to be feeding well, it also effects your milk supply, but I must remind you that your milk is not established yet and wont be for another 4 weeks or so, I didnt feel the let down until Oli was at least 2 months.

You will have constant feeding im afraid and it will be like this for a little while longer, just hang in there and get support :hug:

I also suggest you visit this site
http://www.breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk/ ... /index.php

I kow someone who rang them and they were very helpful as she was pulling her hair out when she had similar problems.

You will have lots of support here to, it is so worth it trust me hun you will get there!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
All I can say is it does get easier.

Your breasts will be doing an excellent job at producing the milk but its your baby's job ( and yours) to learn how to get it out and that can be the hardest part. :hug: getting stressed about it can make this more difficult.

The more your breast is stimulated to more milk you will make. I never feel drained and hardly ever have a tingling or let down feeling. ( I too have big boobs) so keep letting your bubba feed on demand......

Try and find a breastfeeding support group. The National childbirth trust have a breastfeeding support line that you can ring if you can't find anyone local.

I used to feeed Logan for hours on end in the begining and it was down to a poor latch. He was getting tired out from all the effort bless him. But this isn't really something people can advise you on over the net or over the phone you need to be shown. Your HV should be able to help you with this.

If you can keep going with it as it does get better...... but if it is making you feel awful and you really want to stop don't feel pressurised to keep going. You have to make the decision that right for you.
hi hun :hug: :hug:

i had a lot of problems when i first started breast feeding, my milk never really came in unitll niamh was about 5 days old and it never came at all to one breast so i only have one working now. my hv told me that some woman dont get the tingling/let down sensations when i said i never got it so try not to worry about that, i also tried expressing and i just got dribbles. in the end i just went to breast feeding groups (breast buddies) the the hv there was great is there anything like that near you ?

Are you laching baby on ok? they help with that too.

i used to forget to eat and drink that can effect it, are you eating and drinking enough?

it does get easier i promise, you just have to keep at it i nearly gave up so many times too your not alone there.

hope this is some help to you hunny :hug: :hug: :hug:

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