2 totally unrelated questions! Sorry!


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I got two questions but they are sorta unrelated, but here goes. 1, hubby wants to go watch a film with me and baby, but Im worried whether it'll be too loud for him and also is it too soon to take him out to a cinema? He's 7 weeks.
2, Im breastfeeding exclusively, as the weather gets hotter Im wondering whether I should give my LO some water to drink? Or is everything he needs in the breastmilk, dont want him to be dehydrated! Everyone keeps giving different opinions on this.

Thx in advance :hug:
some cinemas do baby flims.... check and see if your local does that. But in terms of it being to loud, im not sure :think:

alice has always had the odd ounce of water, but we where half me half forumla.
You'll be fine in a cinema with LO just be prepared to leave if he starts crying because other movie-goers will complain big time about that and if you didn't I'm pretty sure a complaint would have management asking you to leave anyway. Basically though if a baby goes to sleep in a noise he'll sleep through noise, if he's sleeping in silence then the noises start he'll wake. Have you thought about either a babysitter or renting movies from Blockbuster (or paying via Sky Box Office channels?) it would make it easier and mean you could pause when needed if LO needed attention.

On the water front I don't think babies need anything other than milk in the early days. I'm sure if you looked it up on the net it says something about when to introduce water and it's more around the 3-4 month marker and juices are not to be introduced for a while after that and even then as little as possible offer them water first type thing.
exclusively breast fed babies do not need any extra water. but its a good idea if you are using formula to gave them an ounce here and there in hot weather.

i think you are brave to take your LO to the cinema would you really relax and enjoy yourself, we have been a couple of times but left luke with our parents, why don't you have a night out just you and your OH its important to have time as a couple as well.
i was always told not to give millie anything other than my breast milk until she was 6 months
Hi Reena,
I think Odeon have baby friendly viewings on a Wednesday afternoon......I think you're best calling the cinema and checking with HV about the noise thing?
BReastmilk is all Noor needs, he gets everythig from your breastmilk, so no water required.
Hope you are both well :hug:
the odeon do baby films
and they turn the sound down and make it a little brighter

i dont think you need to give your LO water if you are breastfeeding
I think it depends on the film. When Lydia was very young we used to take her to the cinema but not for action films - only for things like comedies or dramas. She used to sleep right through them, she was great.

When we went to see King Kong we anticipated that it would be too loud and we got my dad to babysit her....sure enough that one was a very loud film.

When she got a bit older she started sleeping less and actually took an interest in the films and started watching them.

Unfortunately then when she got a bit older still, she got bored and used to start shouting so we stopped taking her. Last film we attempted with her was Cars, and it was a total disaster, she just shrieked and wanted to crawl on the floor so we had to leave half way through. We've never attempted it since. We're now waiting until she's older.

But yeh...a 7 week old should be alright as long as it's not an action-type film as they tend to be loudest I've found.

As for the drink thing, I wouldn't have thought a breastfed baby would need anything other than breastmilk.

All you need is breastmilk it has everything you need for him and will keep him hydrated. :)
Gr8 thanks guys! Ive decided to be brave and go to the spiderman (kiddies) showing next tuesday at our local odeon, its for babies and parents so should be good and DH is dying to see it so it'll keep him happy too :D
Will report back on how it goes, fingers crossed, wish me luck! :hug:
:D Ok you can tell Im still smiling and thats a good thing cos it went great! There was only four families there, only one family had a baby, the others were old! Noor was a really good boy, I fed him once and he slept the whole time, he did get a bit scared but got used to the sound after a while, I had to hold him and cuddle him most of the time but we finally got to watch a film, it was really nice for DH too. Thx for ur advice, it really worked :hug: :hug:
Took some EBM but realised he doesn't take the bottle anymore, oops..another new prob!

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