1st Pneumo injection


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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some of you may have heard about this new injection babies up to 2 years old will get. It fights against meningicoccles (sp?) and blood poison

i just got Colbys in yesterday and forgot to post about it. Shes to go for the first on on the 28th of this month
Has anyone herd of this, i know it was on gmtv a couple of weeks ago and the HV was telling me about it when colby had her last jabs but me being me i wasnt listening to well

so could anyone please tell me what the jab is for and if your LO has got it or will be getting it

thanks guys n girls
hannah had hers last friday if the baby is over 1 they only need one injection thank god. it is for meningitus, blood poisoning, and can stop ear infections
i still dont understand why colby is getting it so soon :?
How do you find out about your lo's gettng thus jab then?
Ellis has had his today, they give it to babies under 2 because after they turn too the risk drops. so they give it as early as possible.

the leg he had that one in is fine so dont worry they are fine after, its the polio etc jab that is hurtin Ellis still.

Goodness knows when Isaac will get his, he's had the first 2 sets of jabs so it's awkward for him. The surgery only had 10 sets of vaccines when I was in there last time so it's a case of waiting for us.

I saw it on This Morning, it sounds like a really important jab for them to have.

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