1st innoculation and diarrhoea


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
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Hello! :D
Finn had his 1st set of jabs on Wednesday,and he has been fine except for the fact that he has got diarrhoea.It's not bad,his dirty nappy on Wednesday night was runnier than normal,and his nappy this morning was the same.His stools are usually soft as he is breastfed,but these were definitely runnier than normal.I am wondering if this could be due to the jabs?? :think: I have phoned my doctors,and the receptionist told me to phone my HV,who is not there at the moment,in fact they are all on dinner :wall:

Has anyone else experienced this,I may be waiting for an age for the HV to get back to me....

bagpuss xxx
sorry I haven't experienced this but I just wanted to see how you were getting on. Last time I heard from you was the post about your HV and her advice about breastfeeding. I can see you are still feeding so am taking its going well :D

I would feed Finn as often as possible to make sure he is not getting dehydrated and also your milk will help him fight against any infection. Hope he is better soon :hug:
:D Thanks Beanie,everything is going great,I am so glad that I posted here about my sh*tty HV and her 1/2 hour maximum time at boob,because it was the encouragement and advice that I needed to keep it up - Finn is gaining weight,and he feeds for as long as he needs!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
bagpuss said:
:D Thanks Beanie,everything is going great,I am so glad that I posted here about my sh*tty HV and her 1/2 hour maximum time at boob,because it was the encouragement and advice that I needed to keep it up - Finn is gaining weight,and he feeds for as long as he needs!!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

thats great hun, you have done (and are doing) so great. :cheer:

How is Finn today? Any better?
:wave: Hi Beanie,

I know you asked on Sunday, but I shall reply now,(half soaked mommy)
Finn is fine now thanks,I think his poo is still a little sloppy,but Dave said I am being paranoid...he has stained one of his nappies with how runny it was...went right through his fleece,then his nappy,then his wrap!It didn't leak though...good job really!!!! :D :D
Glad Finn is doing well :cheer:

Ella's poos used to be really runny, remember one time it shot out into DH's hands (he automatically put them out to catch it! :rotfl: ).

What nappies are you using?
:wave: Hi Kina!

The one that he stained was just a plain white terry square,but I also use the Tots Bots pre fold ones,but my favourites have to be his Bright Bots coloured squares - they are such good quality,100% cotton,and highly absorbant,and he looks funky in them!! :D I also have a Mother Ease one,which is okay.I did try some Earth Wise ones but thought that these were poor.I have been tempted to try some different pre folds,but thought I would wait until he needs the next size up,so any advice or recommendations would be appreciated!
:cheer: :cheer: Oh Kina,I have just noticed your new ticker--congratulations!! :cheer: :cheer: How did I miss that!!
bagpuss said:
:cheer: :cheer: Oh Kina,I have just noticed your new ticker--congratulations!! :cheer: :cheer: How did I miss that!!

Aww thanks hon :hug:

Where did you get your Bright Bots from? Do you just fold them up and put a wrap over them? I didn't use reusables at first so newborn ones are a new world for me to explore!!

I don't use prefolds for Ella, we used shaped nappies like Tots Bots, Wee Notions and Cuddlebuns :D

I love nappies! :rotfl:
Watch her bagpuss, she'll be signing you up to the cloth nappies thread in the products forum :D
:doh: I have only just looked at that sticky - told you I don't know where I am at half the time!!! We got the Bright Bots of Ebay,brand new still in packing,a seller was asking for offers on them,they retail at around 25 quid for 6 I think,we offered £8 thinking there was no way he'd accept it,but he did so we had two packs!!! They are basically terry squares in the brightest shades of orange,red,yellow,green, blue and purple.They're 100%cotton,and absorb so much!! We got all the folds from the Nappy Lady site.

I love nappies too!!!! :rotfl:

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