16 week bloods


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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I had them taken for Down's Sydnrome etc on the 10th March, and the midwife said if I hadn't heard anything within a couple of weeks everything should be OK.

But I can't wait that long not knowing, and surely the results will be in now? Can I ring/txt one of my midwives to ask? Or is that too pushy?

i was told to ring and ask ours, i'm sure if you ring and just say your interesting to know then as long as they're in a convenient plac they can tell you there and then.
I coudlnt get through to my midwife to find mine out so my mum got a midwife she works with to get them for me
Everything is most probably fine but i understand you wantin that confirmation
I had mine on the 10th too but forgot to ask if I would hear anything if all was ok or if they just let me know if theres a high risk. I think I might give them a call and find out how long it takes to get results and if they will let me know.Maybe wait until next week if they specifically told you 2 weeks? Or actually, if its really stressing you out give them a quick call so you can relax over easter!
my results were in within a few days so a week should be plenty of time, plus theres no harm in asking, if they're not there you just wait a bit lol
Hi It took about 2 weeks for me to get my bloods back, i called my midwife and she chased the hospital, unfortunatley mines came back high risk so the delay was the midwife at the hospital calling me!!! Give your midwife a call and get her to chase, I was told that if everything was okaythe results would be posted out to my home address ? Hope this helps Ann

Anyway after having an amnio done, everything is fine got the all clear last week and I am having a little girl !!
A midwife turned up at my house 10 days after I had my bloods took to tell me there was a high risk of downs, there was already an appointment made for me for the next day to have an amnio done. I'm sure they would let you know hun.
They don't contact you unless there is a problem as a rule. Otherwise they would be having to phone/write to every woman to give her news she was clear and that would be a huge waste of resources IMHO. Hence them only contacting you if there is a problem with the results.

I'd not worry overly and leave it be. At least wait the 14 days for the results before you contact your MW. There is a reason they give that time frame :lol: You can then always ask your MW for the results at your next MW appointment as they are sent to them.

I personally never bothered contacting my MW about the results. I didn't hear anything in the 2 week time frame so didn't worry. When I had my next MW appointment at 18 weeks she said it had all been clear.
Hey... thanks everyone!
Ann - glad to hear everything was fine in the end, and congratulations on your little girl! :cheer:
I just rang the midwife, and I think she said 1 in 1,500 chance of Down's so low risk!! And she gave me another statistic... 1 in 76,000, and that was with everything else taken into account i.e. that I'm a non-smoker.
Does that seem right? Arge I'm confused! I could barely hear her... I think she was eating something, lol.

But yay, low risk! :cheer: :cheer:

I called and they just said that I would have heard by now if there was an abnormality or high risk so not to worry as they hadn't been in touch. Still won't relax until I've seen bubs on 14th though!
I'm sure everything will be ok handbagqueen! :D
Is your 20 week scan on the 14th then?
yep, 20 week scan on the 14th. Can't wait! Was hoping I'd be more relaxed about everything now but have a feeling this will go on until I'm old and grey!
Mine's on the 9th - 20 days! :D
Omg I'm exactly the same as you... in fact the other day I realised that if I'm this worried about everything now, when I actually have the baby I'll be so protective! He/she will be 18 and I'll be worried about them going out! Probably cos I know what I was like (I'm 18 now but a lot more mature now I'm pregnant)! :rotfl:
Are u hoping to find out the sex?
I was thinking today that normally when i worry so much I lose weight- not happening now obviously! I'm going to stay team green though- we want the surprise at the birth.
I'd quite like the surprise at the birth but I have to find out, it's driving me insane!


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