12 weeks!! All I need is scan to reassure me!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi everyone,

Have not really had many complaints for the last week or so thank goodness! I only have a week to go before scan - (they are scanning me at 13 weeks).

I have put on weight around my waist and boobs but no baby bump - this is worrying me now! Can't wait for scan just to make sure my little bean has not left! I am really nervous about having a "missed" or "silent" miscarriage. I have had loads of nausea (which is now easing), really sore boobs throughout and no bleeding or spotting at all so do you think the signs are good?

Love and hugs to you all,

Julia xxxxx
Julia! Im sure everything is perfectly fine!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have my nest scan in 10 days and I get worried like that too! I think its natural but yes, the signs are good with the sickness and sore boobs!! :D
I'm sure everything is fine! :cheer: Bubs is happily in there doing absolutely fine! It's hard to believe such a special little person is in there... You'll see them next week and wonder what all the worry was about! :hug:

Congratulations on being 12 weeks by the way! 2nd tri for you next week then hun!

Everything sounds fine to me then Julia!! Congrats on being 12 weeks, next week you'll be into Tri 2!! :cheer: Ive only just started getting a bump myself at 18 to 19 weeks so i dont think theres anything to worry about not showing yet hun all peoples bodies are different, hope you have a lovely scan!! :hug: x
I am also 12 weeks now, my scan is on Thursday !! cant wait, I would recommend a doppler I listen to babys heartbeat everyday its very reassuring.
Congratulations on the big One Two!!!

It is our turn on wednesday for 12 weeks, then scan on friday. Will be so good to actually see that everything is ok - sure yours will be fine!! Lookin forward to hearing the results

Sounds like your symptoms are pretty good to be honest :D Don't worry, I'm sure that everything will be fine and the LO is all cosy in your tummy! The scan will be reassuring. I spose it's natural to feel like this around this period.

Hiya, I was 12 weeks yesterday and have my scan next monday at 13 weeks.. am really scared aswell. Just want to know all is ok so i can relax. Will see you in 2nd Tri!!

Claire x
Thanks for your reassuring words everyone!!

You are all sooooooo supportive!

I don't know what people did when they did not have any media communication xxxxxxxxxx

A doppler is a good idea but knowing me I would being using it every hour and driving people mad!!!!

Good luck and love to you all xxxx

Juia xx

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