12 week scan?!

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I was just wondering when everyone got thier scan date through? I'm almost 10 weeks so scan should be in the next couple of weeks but the waiting to get my date through is like waiting for Christmas to come! Surely it should come through soon?!
I'd have thought you should have it by now- I got my letter through at around 6 weeks. Call your doc's and chase them up.
yes i saw my doc at 4 weeks and i got my letter a few days later ring docs to make sure they refered u ok, good luck not long now xxxxx
Well I saw my midwife last week and she said she was refurring me straight away but thought I'd have my date by now! I can't wait much longer, I'm so excited :D
if shes referred u fine then u should do maybe its taking the hospital a bit longer but wont be long now. how exciting for you. xxx
I haven't had mine yet but then I'm only just seeig the midwife on friday so maybe next week I'll get a date..not sure.

Fingers crosse you get your date soon xx
It varies from area to area how and when they give you your date so don't panic if you seem to be waiting a little longer than other people. I had my booking in appt with midwife at 10 weeks and she gave me a letter to ring the hospital and book it 7 working days later to give time for my notes to be sent across. If you hear nothing by the time you're 11 weeks then I'd phone then.
I got mine at about 7 weeks its for this friday and i will only be 10 weeks plus 1 day but i didnt have a midwife appointment or anything
sore subject for me im having a scan but it not a necuel scan iv been told i wont be given a date till after the 10th of next month :(
I got told I would have the necuel scan at 12 weeks? Why are they doing it so late for you?

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