12 week scan today and scared...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2015
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I'm 12+3 today and I'm having my scan at 13.10pm.

I'm so worried...

Anyone having a scan today? xx
I won't be having my scan for a couple of weeks but don't be scared...is this your first?

Make the most of the experience seeing your baby for the first time makes it mush more real....they will be having a merry old time in there exploring their cosy environment!! If everything has been fine up to now then you will see a gorgeous healthy tiny baby shape!!

Good luck and enjoy!!
It's my 2nd baby.

I'm 33 years old so I'm worried if the baby is healthy.

With my last pregnancy, when I was 32 my Down's Syndrome risk results were 1:1000 but now that I'm older the risk goes down and it's already lower based on my age alone:/

I've had 2 miscarriages before I had my daughter so it's not easy for me to enjoy my pregnancies :(
Good luck :) c as nt wait to see a piccie xxx
Gd luck hun!

Looking forward to seeing ur baba xx
Just got back and I'm not happy at all:(

The measurements were ranging from 54 and 62 mm and finally settled at 58mm.
And the nuchal fold was 2.3mm!!

In my last pregnancy at 13+1 the nuchal fold was only 2mm and now I'm only 12+2 and it's already bigger:(

Now I have to wait for the blood results but I can already feel it's not going to be too good:(

I'll try to post a picture later when I figure out how to do it.
Just to try and put your mind at rest for a little while:

An NT of less than 3.5mm is considered normal when your baby measures between 45mm (1.8in) and 84mm (3.3in). The NT normally grows in proportion with your baby

Try not to worry hun you really aren't old so your risk won't have increase all that much xxx
I know my measurement is not too bad but compared to my last pregnancy it doesn't look good.
I was hoping it would be less than 2mm so when I saw what it was my mood instantly dropped down although the sonographer said that all looks fine.

The CTR measurements were varying so much so maybe the NT isn't too acurate.

The picture isn't very clear, the baby was moving a lot.
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Try and focus on the good things. Your baby is there, it's moving and active.

Even being high risk doesn't mean anything but your measurements don't seem too bad.

I'm not having the test to I avoid all that anxiety. Good luck.
I agree with JoJo- try and focus on the good things! The sonographer said it looked ok so try not to worry too much !! I'm 34 and not having the test as I'd just focus on the 'what if's' plus I wouldn't do anything differently anyway if I found out I was having a Down's syndrome baby xx
Try not to worry, my risk factor for Down's syndrome came back the next day as 1:650, which is more down to age than anything (I'm 33). My fold measurement was also 2.3mm but that is normal so I'm not worried about that. Have been offered the harmony test to know for sure but I wouldn't change anything even if the baby did have downs. Try not to stress about things, it will only make you feel worse. That measurement is normal for your babies size and each pregnancy is different so try not to compare with any other x
Thank you ladies! I'm trying to stay positive, at least untill the blood results come back.
Last time I got the letter within a week so I'm hoping to get it on Friday.

Try not to worry, my risk factor for Down's syndrome came back the next day as 1:650, which is more down to age than anything (I'm 33). My fold measurement was also 2.3mm but that is normal so I'm not worried about that. Have been offered the harmony test to know for sure but I wouldn't change anything even if the baby did have downs. Try not to stress about things, it will only make you feel worse. That measurement is normal for your babies size and each pregnancy is different so try not to compare with any other x

Do you mind me asking where you're from Emcb82 ? Where I'm from they don't offer Harmony test on NHS and it's too expensive private:/
I chose not to go for the screening tests but when my cousin was pregnant she was at high risk with all 3 kids and all 3 were born without downs. As long as the baby's little heart is beating and it's wriggling about having a good time then I wouldn't stress over a risk factor, there's so many more conditions than Down's syndrome that a baby can be born with but you have to deal with that when the baby is here, so for now just enjoy being pregnant :) x
I was 36 when I had nuchal testing and I'm pretty sure I was told that it's age 37 upwards that really starts to affect the odds they give you so I wouldn't worry about being 33. 2.3mm is a good measurement! Hope you get the results through soon and they put your mind at rest xx

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