10p rip-off!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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the other day i bought a swizzels lolly-fizz, which i left on the bedside table until today when i fancied it. when i opened it there was no lolly! what am i supposed to do with a bag of sherbet grrrrrrrrrrrr!
yum i love them, thats a rip off go back and complain get your money back hun, i know its not much but like you say not a lot you can do with the shurbut (sp) :shock:
:rotfl: i would write to them and complain.. you never know you could end up getting more than 10p back...
sunshinestars said:
:rotfl: i would write to them and complain.. you never know you could end up getting more than 10p back...

Exactly what I'd have suggested too.
God yeah complain! I've turned into a serial complainer and you always get twice as much back :lol:

They are genuine complaints its just that I dont let things pass by anymore, I'm a bored housewife now :lol:
You know the jelly tots packets used to have the alphabet on the back - did anyone else ever notice they didn't have X? :( I wrote to ask them why and they never replied - lol, I was younger then.

I wrote to Johnsons too, when they did that '5.5 is neutral' stuff.. I was doing chemistry GCSE at the time and told them no, 7 is neutral so you're stuff is basically acidic. They didn't reply but stopped calling 5.5 Neutral on the adverts lol :cheer:
yea complain

i once bought a packet on terrys chocolate segments and i only had one flavour in so i complained :lol:

i got a £5 voucher for terrys products :cheer:
I bought a caramel egg last week......and there was no god damn caramel in..... just an empty egg.... I felt like i'd been robbed!!! I still feel traumatised! :shakehead:

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