100 days 2 go!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2006
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OMG!!! just got back from my hols and relized i've got to 100 days to go till my baby arives and have only got travel system and cot! better start shopping me thinks. :shock:
its going really fast
Have you seen anything that you want to buy yet?

Not long now, take care xx
I have bought nothing up to now but there again I have got a long time to go lol. I wanna wait till after the 20week scan to buy thinks maybe it will all sink in then.
I know what you mean!!! I have only got a few things... i need to get the cot and the pram... and loads of other little bits.... think i have been relaxing a little too much!!! lol well at least I have the moses basket... :D

thats the problem i don't really know what to buy! we haven't got loads of money so only want to get things i def need. my friend has a 7mnt old so i can use some of her stuff but also want new things.
Same problem here lovie.... I could kick myself, coz I have another daughter (Emily 5) and I didn't keep the cot or pram just keeped all the special bits that I can look back on... but its handy that you have your friend's baby bits that will save you alot of money.... but if you do want to buy things new like clothes and stuff... PRIMARK is really good value for money.x.


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