1 week to go


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2018
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So AF is due around the 26th27th mark. I haven’t physically tracked my ovulation this months but used appps and checking CM also.
I have to say we DTD a lot since my period ended and had 5/6 days through out the month so far where we didn’t do it. I have no idea how or why but my partner just had a really high drive this month.
We’ve also both been less stressed and actually got engaged 2 weeks ago! Fingers crossed for lots of baby dust this month.
I hope this week goes quick but also nervous as hell
I'm the same as you, 7DPO today!

Congrats on your engagement

:dust: x
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I’m 9dpo today! Fingers crossed for you both. Xx
You’re sligjtly ahead of me, best of luck! X
Lots of luck and baby dust to us all. ❤️
The urge to early test is ridiculous!
However I will wait.
I haven’t noticed any difference really. My cervix feels high, mixture of CF sometimes dry sometimes stretchy and sticky but I have only started to really track this so not sure what to expect for myself.
Noticed yesterday I had to pee a bit more. Headache and slight dizziness. Today I feel gasp and today and yesterday I’ve had an increased appitite. Also noticed I was really tired yesterday and Monday but that could be the fact that I’ve just had a week off and now I’m back to work ha.

How is everyone else feeling?
I’m 11dpo today and did a test this morning which was BFN! Iv just noticed brown cm so possibly af is on her way I’m only on cd 23 but my af are so random anywhere between 23-27 days averaging at 25days! I ovulated on cd 12 and had pain in the evening I’m still trying to hold onto some hope that it’s impantation spotting but highly unlikely! Iv had so many symptoms aching legs and aching body backache cramps stinging breasts and nipples headaches I just don’t get it I had the same last month which is unusual for my cycles! If af is coming I can’t be doing with spotting just want it to come so I can get my head around it and get back to trying again! Xx
I’m 11dpo today and did a test this morning which was BFN! Iv just noticed brown cm so possibly af is on her way I’m only on cd 23 but my af are so random anywhere between 23-27 days averaging at 25days! I ovulated on cd 12 and had pain in the evening I’m still trying to hold onto some hope that it’s impantation spotting but highly unlikely! Iv had so many symptoms aching legs and aching body backache cramps stinging breasts and nipples headaches I just don’t get it I had the same last month which is unusual for my cycles! If af is coming I can’t be doing with spotting just want it to come so I can get my head around it and get back to trying again! Xx

There is still hope Holsf. Your not out until the witch turns up!
I have seen on here so many ladies got a :bfn: and then a couple of days later a :bfp:
Test again in 48 hours the hormones would have doubled by then.
Fx for you :dust: x
Thankyou it’s the brown cm that’s made me think I’m out already as sometimes I’ll get spotting then af, I was convinced this month I can’t deal with the disappointment especially when Iv had so many good symptoms. Fingers crossed I’m not out, will keep you updated xx
Thankyou it’s the brown cm that’s made me think I’m out already as sometimes I’ll get spotting then af, I was convinced this month I can’t deal with the disappointment especially when Iv had so many good symptoms. Fingers crossed I’m not out, will keep you updated xx

Please do keep us updated!
They say that brown cm is old blood though don't they and you get that when implantation is happening?
Really hope its good news for you x
9DPO and BFN on FRER and One Step tests today, think there's a good chance I'm out, will test over next couple of days though. X
I’m holding out till Monday to test. Or at least till AF is due.
My heart is so set on this month, otherwise I’m joining the 6 months club.

See how you go, early tests don’t always pick everything up.
I’ve had back ache too and metallic taste in my mouth this morning but deep down I think the only well to really tell is with a missed period and a test. I’m hating the two week wait.

Still keeping my fingers crossed for everyone
So second day of spotting and the witch showed up this evening! So strange my hormones must be all over the place the amount of symptoms iv had! Never mind back to ttc once she clears off xx
Thank crumble.

Aww sorry to hear that guys. Here’s lots of luck and baby dust for September ❤️.
I have one app telling me I’m due in 2 days and another saying 4 days! I just really want to know already but I’m not sure when I should test. Or should I wait I? I know not a lot of the early ones are correct
I’m normally a 28 day cycle, and about 4 days long. Last period started on July 29th.
Thank crumble.

Aww sorry to hear that guys. Here’s lots of luck and baby dust for September ❤️.
I have one app telling me I’m due in 2 days and another saying 4 days! I just really want to know already but I’m not sure when I should test. Or should I wait I? I know not a lot of the early ones are correct
I’m normally a 28 day cycle, and about 4 days long. Last period started on July 29th.

You could start testing today, good luck :dust: x
I was going too. But my bus after work turned up 45 minutes late which meant I wasn’t able to go into town before heading back home. I had to be home by 2pm to sign for a delivery we needed. I may try tomorrow but we will have my step son then and I’d rather avoid raising any suspicion as he’ll know what the test is for
So I’m either due tomorrow or Monday. I’m hoping I can get out and buy a untested tomorrow. I woke up today feeling really tired, sudden urges to pee and I feel sickly today. Not like I’m going to be sick just sickly feeling.

No AF symptoms yet. Cervix feels night (or at least I think it does). I have one app saying Monday, another tomorrow and online predictors also saying tomorrow.

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