Recent content by sinhob

  1. S


    We've just had our eldest daughter diagnosed with a strong dog allergy and allergies to grass, pollen etc after she took a reaction to a bee sting (although thankfully she wasn't allergic to bees). We were strongly advised by the consultant that we should not even consider keeping the kitten...
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    Nursery application form

    I think if you're only applying for a place then one name is fine. When your child is accepted to whichever nursery, then they'll likely ask for both parents' contact details as well as other contacts such as grandparents, childminders etc in case of emergencies. If you're really concerned...
  3. S

    How much does labour hurt? If at all

    Hi there :) I'd love to say it doesn't hurt at all but it did for me! That's not to say it will for you though... :( In my experience when labour first starts it's like mild period pain which gets more severe as time goes on. However, I used a TENS machine last time around (I hadn't with my...
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    My Names

    I think they're beautiful names and it's so nice of you to remember your loved ones this way. I called my first baby Tara Jennifer, Jennifer after my sister who died before I was born but who has always been such a big part of my life...
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    Names chosen...what do you think? (:

    :dance: I think all the names are lovely! In fact all through my last pregnancy I said I was going to call the baby Callum if he was a boy and then at the last minute went for Jack! For month afterwards I wished I'd stuck with Callum but he is Jack and suits his name... BUT if I ever have...
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    Problems with my relashionship now I'm Pregnant

    Oh I really feel for you. This is such a shock obviously and I can imagine you expected him to act totally the opposite to how he is reacting. I don't really know what to say except that hopefuuly by the time your beautiful baby arrives he'll have gone back to being the man you loved. It's quite...
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    Starting the journey....

    Oooh good luck! It's such an exciting time and such a wonderful experience to be pregnant! Welcome :)
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    I'm new, please don't bite! :P

    Hi Morgan, Welcome :) Hope you get the news you want very soon! ;) Sinead
  9. S

    It's only me :);)

    :rotfl: Brilliant! That's me alright. What a small world it is!! I still run the site and am trying to grow awareness of it at the moment. It's a long SLOW task but hey, I've got plenty of time! What's your username on my forums and will you be back? I know they're a little on the quiet side but...
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    It's only me :);)

    Aha, not too far away then! :) Hope you're having a good day! I'm having a busy one here. Sinead x
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    It's only me :);)

    Cool... whereabouts? I'm in Newry...
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    It's only me :);)

    Thanks everyone for all your lovely welcomes! :think: Now what on earth will I make the children for their tea this evening!! Sinead x
  13. S

    4D SCAN questions..

    Hi there, We had one in Belfast with our second daughter who's 5 now. I went on the recommendation of a work colleague at the time but I have to say we were a little disappointed. We saw very little and because the umbilical cord was in the way they couldn't tell what sex she was. However...
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    It's only me :);)

    Hi everyone! I'm from Northern Ireland and thought this looked like a fun place. I'm a WAHM of three running a pregnancy and breastfeeding website of my own. My youngest child is 3 now and due to start school next year... oh boy, will my nest be lonely then :( I'm really hoping he'll start to...