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  • i just cant wait to get out and about.. have you stopped bleeding then? im still bleeding but its only light. thats good :D xx
    Yeah I'm surprised how quickly I'm back to bleeding,stitches have healed well n I feel bk to my usual self :) yeah u should be fine to drive hun xx
    oh yeah lol, i should of gone for injection but i aint lol.. ill go next week. cant believe how quick ive recovered doing loads already i thought i would be stuck in house for 6 weeks! gonna drive next week lol. should be alright xx
    aww thats good every 3 hours.. Hallie had last feed at half nine. then its half 12-half 1, half 3-half 4, then half 6-half 7 xx
    its okay, still a bit sore but im doing school run in morning and that now. but no driving till at least 4 weeks after which is annoying cos i feel fine! she is waking up 3 times a night but will feed for an hour at a time. then fall asleep straight away. still breastfeeding seems easier with her than with Oliver. hows Tyler sleeping? xx
    aww thats only a oz over birth weight thou. Hallie didnt lose any weight. think she pooed just before she was first weighed so she lost it then. so she has put on 9oz :) xx
    Tyler's fell off at 6days n seems to be healing nicely too :) midwives coming bk 2moro to weigh him,he was 8lb9 on Sunday so hate to think what he is now lol. Il have a look soon lol xx
    yeah the midwife doesnt discharge here till its off, so discharged at 7 days it fell off at day 4 or something. drying up nicely. had health visitor round today she weighed her 7lb15oz now. just get a mirror and look lol xx
    Aww that's good. Got the midwife on wed again. Has hallies belly button clip fell off yet? My stitches have calmed down a lot now,just scared to look down there lol xx
    she is doing really well she had heel prick today and been discharged by midwife too. staples are out and scar is healing well. when i had Oliver and my stitches got itchy i used to get in shower and spray my self with shower to stop them, have you got them pads from mothercare they go in the freezer and you put a cover on them to keep stitches cool. xx
    Time just goes so fast. Tyler's getting his 2moro when the midwife comes in. How's hallie settling in? Stitches are ok,just a bit sore with healing xx
    i cant believe its been nearly a week already! well i know how fast it goes cos i Oliver is 4 in 6 months and starting school on monday. its mad. hows everything? Hallie is meant to have her heel prick test todaybut cos its sat they are doing it on monday, is that when Tyler is having his? hows the stitches? i got staples my stomach.. yuck lol xx
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