Recent content by Samsmum

  1. S

    What happened!?

    I don't blame you honey, I had dreadful cramping in november and lost my baby at 5 weeks so this time around any niggles are terrifying me, it's normal to be scared until you hold the darling person in your arms, and then you start being terrified in a whole other way, xxxx sorry for your worry...
  2. S

    I'm going to run out of things I can eat at this rate!

    Fried chicken is my love! I never eat it normally! How bad is that! Last baby I had healthy cravings - carrot sticks and sardines on toast? Now it's oranges, potato salad and chicken! Naughty girl!
  3. S

    Consultant appointment today

    Stupid spell checker! Of course I meant to write amnio! ;p
  4. S

    Consultant appointment today

    Hi lovely, one thing to remember is that the miscarriage stats for an amino include normal miscarriage stats even if you don't have an amino, so it's a tiny increased risk. I think I'm with you, I'd rather know and be prepared for the future xxx
  5. S

    Consultant appointment today

    Hi lovely, one thing to remember is that the miscarriage stats for an amino include normal miscarriage stats even if you don't have an amino, so it's a tiny increased risk. I think I'm with you, I'd rather know and be prepared for the future xxx
  6. S

    Me & The OH had a talk last night...

    Me too! Just done Chinese gender thing and I did it for Sam my first and it correctly said boy, so then I did it for this time around and it's a boy! Phew! The other one I took the other day said girl (lunar age is apparently two years older than actual) and I wasn't too thrilled - girls are way...
  7. S

    Home water birth

    Aw jojo tough ride xx just push for water at the birth centre and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you xxx
  8. S

    Home water birth

    So many reasons for home birth there Hun, you go for it! It's also incredibly empowering (I don't say it much but I felt I could take on the world after my home birth!) you are much less likely to tear in a second labour because you've already stretched that area, also in a water birth you're...
  9. S

    Home water birth

    Good for you, I might consider setting one up cos relaxing in it in the last few days is fab x watch eastenders in the pool heehee! I was on my due date last time, but who knows for the second. I'm worried about speed this time around, so I may set it up early - I don't fancy home birth without...
  10. S

    Home water birth

    Good for you, my doctor doesn't "approve" of home births so I have had to switch to another doctor at the surgery! Do push for birthing centre if you're not comfortable with home, but don't be pushed to do it - ESP if you already know how you cope with labour and you were fine last time, you may...
  11. S

    Home water birth

    Jojo how come you're high risk? This is a new placenta? No reason to think issues will occur again ;) lots of people have comfort from hospital and I totally understand, I find that keeping out of the system suits me but it's not everyone (hence the low rate of 2% for hb), but water birth is now...
  12. S

    Home water birth

  13. S

    Home water birth

    Get in your tub for the home part, any water is fabulous x You can get them on eBay these days :) because you use a liner you're only buying the pool and you buy yourself a new liner. Much cheaper ;) I didn't hire I bought one and we use it in the summer cos it's really deep and has a blow up...
  14. S

    Home water birth

    Yes they can that's the point, and also you can decide once you're in labour, you don't have to be booked in for one (although of course they prefer that) the midwives in the community team are a completely different team to those at hospital which is why you'll have your antenatal checks at home xx
  15. S

    Second baby - antenatal classes?

    Hi guys Is anyone considering doing nct second time around? They have a special class for couples who have a child already but I wondered what the value was?