Recent content by ranger*goy

  1. R

    Baby ranger has arrived!

    William John was born on Mon 30th May at 4.46am. I laboured for about 8hrs in hospital and it went quite quickly really. He's a little stunner and weighed 7lbs 6oz. See you later :)
  2. R

    Nearly 40 weeks

    No baby yet! I'm on to the fresh pineapple now, yum yum.
  3. R

    Nearly 40 weeks

    Wow, Monday is my due date as well. Better tell the hubby to hurry back from that job interview. Do I have to howl at the moon?
  4. R

    Nearly 40 weeks

    Thanks Diddlum, that article was quite useful. The midwife did comment on my toned stomach muscles today so its probably that.
  5. R

    Nearly 40 weeks

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was a bit dissappointed to be honest. He is pointing the right way and in the right position though. Hope it happens for you very soon!
  6. R

    Nearly 40 weeks

    Had my appointment with the midwife and the head isnt properly down yet :o( I'm fed up because I have a feeling I will have to be induced - eventually!
  7. R

    Please Help!!! Delivery room question...

    At may hospital they only allow up to 2 birth partners so it may be worth checking this out at your hospital. I only want my hubby there, not sure if my mother would distract us too much.
  8. R

    first pregnancy

    Hi there! I spotted at 6 weeks and 9 weeks and then nothing until 21 weeks when I spotted every 2/3 weeks for a couple of days. I havent had any since about 30 weeks now. Only 2 weeks to go now. I had no pain with it and although I was worried, the lack of pain did make me feel a little...
  9. R


    Uuurgh sounds horrid. I'm a really active person so the thought of anything restricting my movements is terrifying. Cant wait to get back to climbing. I havent climbed since sept 2004 and it feels like I've chopped my limbs off!
  10. R


    Flippin eck, I dont like the sound of standing up all day ;o(
  11. R

    Intimate question that needs answering!

    I dont know the answer but I'm 38 weeks and I havent leaked at all.
  12. R

    Could be a problem...

    They had to send off my urine sample last week because they thought I had an infection. I havent heard the results yet but I've been drinking loads of water and cranberry juice to make sure. Its been a week now and I've been fine so far.
  13. R


    What really worries me is how I will feel afterwards. I worry about being so sore I wont be able to look after the baby, bend over, pick him up etc.
  14. R

    father of baby starting 2b a problem?

    At least by taking a DNA test he cant argue with the Child Support Agency. Sounds like he's trying to shirk his responsibilities to me, financially and emotionally.
  15. R

    Strangly Surreal

    For me at the moment the baby doesnt exist yet, just the labour! I've got nearly 4 weeks to go yet and its just going to drag by. I dont feel tired or too uncomfortatable yet so I think its going to be an overdue one.