Recent content by pregnantvegan

  1. P

    Cloth Diapers??

    This is my first pregnancy and I am pretty sure I am going to use cloth diapers. I want to use prefolds because they are cheaper and don't seem that complicated. I was looking for some feedback on cloth diapers, and I have a few questions: If you've tried prefolds with a cover did you like...
  2. P

    Getting to know all in Tri 1

    I've been changed to the 20th of May.
  3. P

    Expected Weight that will stay????

    that's the same start weight as me. I'm really terrified of gaining weight. I completed an eating disorder program just this year, and am supposed to be recovered and accepting myself...and now I am about to gain an intense amount of weight. I'm really struggling with this, and really afraid of...
  4. P

    Expected Weight that will stay????

    I was wondering how much, for most people, of their pregnancy weights stays after they give birth? I'm just wondering an estimate of how much bigger I will be from my original weight. I know it varies, but I just want a rough estimate since I really have no idea.
  5. P

    My name list...a lil help?

    thanks everybody! My bf unfortunately hates Teal...because it's a colour...although he does like Violet...he says it's because Teal is not a real name and Violet is. ugh. Our number 1's are Violet and Jack. We actually aren't even considering any other boy names other than Jack. Jack is...
  6. P

    My name list...a lil help?

    can you guys vote on my name list? I'm not that far along in my pregnancy...but I'm impatient. :D I also want to start calling my bump by it's name as soon as I know the sex. (I hope that link worked, if not it's in my sig)
  7. P

    Help?!?!? Scan confusion!

    something sorta similar happened to me.. I had my dating scan on October 17th. I was told I was 9+1, and due on May 25th. That was all she said the entire time. She wasn't even going to tell me the results until I asked (as I was putting on my jacket to leave). When I got home I checked on...
  8. P

    When did you start showing?

    thanks everyone! I can't wait to be really showing, it will seem so much more real.
  9. P

    Getting to know all in Tri 1

    I'm lyn, and I'm in my first pregnancy. My EDD is May 22nd.
  10. P

    When did you start showing?

    I guess that helps a bit. I mean there's no way of really knowing what this extra poundage is from. Thanks guys!
  11. P

    When did you start showing?

    Sooooo when did you start showing? I'm 9 weeks, one day, and I think I am showing! A few days ago some of my friends said that I was starting to show. I feel bigger, and I can't wear my fitted shirts anymore. The thing is, everything I read says that you don't start showing until later on. I'm...
  12. P

    New to this..!

    such speedy responses! :D Thanks everyone!
  13. P

    New to this..!

    hey everyone! I just got back from my dating ultra sound and found out I am 9 weeks and 1 day. I'm very excited. This isn't a planned pregnancy, and I think I am going to have to drop out of college for a while...but I've always wanted to be a mom so I'm happy. I hope to get to know some of you...