Recent content by Olliesmammy

  1. O

    little*red's baby photos *Check back for your photo status*

    could ollie be a model too or is he too old?????? i remember having to beat agencies off with a stick when he was a baby, i'm an over protective mum!
  2. O

    any1's bed been invaded by their children?

    ever since we went on holiday in april ollie has moved from his bed into ours. any ideas as surely controlled crying wouldn't work at this age?
  3. O

    How long did you breastfeed for??

    I bf my son upto 22 months. it was more of a comfort thing in the end and i wanted him to come off it on his own, but i had to tell him my boobies had broken in the end lol
  4. O

    What annoys you about ebay?

    i get annoyed with the new feedback layout. buyers rate you on postage costs, but what alot of buyers don't reaslise is 'postage' costs not only include postage, but also listing fees, final seller fees and paypal fees. yes a top might only cost 1.90 to post recorded delivery, and they paid 4.00...
  5. O

    Breastfeeding Question

    Hi, I expect it is different for every person, as its supply an demand my baby may have been more greedy or less greedy than others. But when i went back to work I would express at lunch time, and on average I would get about 5floz from each side. He was 6 months by then and starting solids so i...
  6. O

    toddler bites me when he cant get his own way, what can i do

    i was thinking, my dad had bought him a handful of jelly beans from a 20p machine not long b4 this happened. do u think this might have made him go hyper? we were leaving at 5pm anyway, and we left about 5 mins early, but i told him we were leaving because of what he did. he went thro this stage...
  7. O

    toddler bites me when he cant get his own way, what can i do

    When he is good, he's an angel. But if I take him somewhere nice, and he gets excited he starts getting naughty. Like today, at soft play he took his socks off and was climbing the slide. I picked his socks up, and we went to go around the safe way together. I knelt on the floor and sat him on...
  8. O

    any1 want to show off pics of their toddlers? here's mine..

    i was in for the day so wasn't too bad, haven't eaten since friday tho so am starving! feeling alot better, im ashamed to admit i've been putting my sons nappies in my pants as big pads just in case lol! yesterday i counted 41 time i had to use the loo! ah well, maybe i will get a bikini body 4...
  9. O

    any1 want to show off pics of their toddlers? here's mine..

    they are all really cute pictures, i just read about the toddler reins, I got a good pair for ollie, they are a packpack, with the rein so he feels all grown up and doesnt mind wearing them. plus its a turtle shell so he thinks he's a teanage turtle lol. I got my neice a ladybird one for her...
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    To be honest my husband wouldn't oblige me even though it was for a purpose! I found a membrane sweep very helpful tho.
  11. O

    breast feeding ( whens the right age to stop)

    Hi, I think the 'right' time depends on the individual being both the mother and the baby. I breast fed my son uptil 23 months. I know he was drinking cows milk, juice and solid foods, but it was a comfort thing just before bed time. I then told a white lie and said my boobies were broken and...
  12. O

    * SUNDAY CHATS: This Week: Relationship Chat @ 8pm*

    How about baby and parents co-sleeping - thats always a good one because its like marmite, u are either for it or against. Also a light hearted one - funniest moments during pregnancy/labour? or most embarrissing baby/toddler moments?
  13. O

    how can i put a pic of my son under my signature?

    thanks, have just emailed her. I tried to shrink it in paint :oops: but its went all funny!
  14. O

    how can i put a pic of my son under my signature?

    yikes thats a bit big! now i have to find a way to shrink it! :shock:
  15. O

    how can i put a pic of my son under my signature?

    thanks, yours is cool too! x