Recent content by Naaat

  1. Naaat

    The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

    Coreyyy. :D <3 One of the first times he sat up by himself. :) All smiles. :) <3 Me with Corey hah. :P Yeah, I can never choose just one photo. :P
  2. Naaat


    I definitely suggest Colief! Really expensive but worth it!
  3. Naaat


    Yep I try all of them with corey but still no luck. Howeverrr I got the colief drops today and they have been working wonders so far. You put them in the milk half an hour before a feed. Coreys been burping quite a few times at every feed and I don't have to sit there for hours trying to burp...
  4. Naaat


    Is there some magic way to burp a baby??? Lol! Most of the time Corey takes forever to burp and sometimes even after burping he's still full of wind but won't burp any more. He'll usually burp fine after 2-3 oz but after finishing the rest he just won't. I've tried infacol which helped to start...
  5. Naaat

    The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

    Aww gorgeous babiess!!! :') Me and Corey in front of the Christmas tree <3
  6. Naaat

    Ethan Chidgey 20/11/10 - 22/11/10

    So, so sorry for your loss. :(
  7. Naaat

    The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

    Aww how gorgeous are all these babies ehhh :') More of Corey :) He loves his baths lol. :P
  8. Naaat

    Millie Caitlin Mills 6.11.10 12.47am 8lb 4oz

    Congrats! Am feeling the same about labour tbh. Never want to go through it again. Definitely worth it for my little man, but due to one of the midwives being such an idiot I went through a lot of unnecessary pain. Bleh. I've been advised to seek counselling too because it was so traumatic and...
  9. Naaat

    Corey Wyn Keys 06/11/10

    Hahaha damn it I lost the race! rofl. So close! Congratulations to you too. :)
  10. Naaat

    Corey <333

    LOL <3 A few minutes old lol. He's so alert and strong for his age. The minute he came outta the tunnel he was looking around the room and trying to headbutt his mummy lol. <3 A few hours old
  11. Naaat

    The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

    Me and my gorgeous little Corey. Ignore how bad I look lol. After his bath <3
  12. Naaat


    Just got back from doctors. He said it's quite common for babies to get harmless rashes and it's likely that Corey will get them because he was 10 days late and has dry skin. He said what we don't want to see is clusters of them or anything that has puss. He said puss means there's an infection...
  13. Naaat

    pampers are useless!

    Haha I love Pampers, they seem to fit Corey perfectly, whereas with Huggies they're just not his shape lol and we always get leaks!
  14. Naaat


    Will do Chaz. :) Yep that's what I've read too. I'm just constantly paranoid because one of the nurses at the hospital had a coldsore and apparently they're really dangerous for newborns. Bleh!
  15. Naaat


    Gah Corey has these red patches on his face legs and arms with like a white spot in the middle. They come and go over a few hours during the day but they leave little red dots. I've looked online and they sound like Erythema Toxicum (