Recent content by mazey

  1. M

    Another name for our little Girl

    I love these names and like Mae or May for a middle name?
  2. M

    What do you think?

    my other half says he keeps thinking of Austin Powers but I like it - maybe not a great name for a little baby but good for a little boy or when he is grown up - could be shortened to Aus (Oz) or Aussy which is nice?
  3. M

    How Did You Hear About The Forum?

    me too - googled!
  4. M

    Induced twice??

    Hi - I had to be induced for my first baby - does anyone know if it is likely to be late second time as well? I am really nervous about being induced again
  5. M

    Brilliant Coocoose!

    I was given one of these - it was a great present as it is quite expensive but it does look top quality and I wasn't sure at first as had used towels for ages but now I really like it and looking forward to using it for baby number 2 - due in December. Best thing is I haven't been able to find...
  6. M

    do you recomend Bumbo seats?

    I am new on here! but I bought a Bumbo at full price for my eldest - Jake and he just didn't really like it - and it has got in the way ever since! But lots of my friends kids love it and so I would also recommend going down the second hand road - I have another baby on the way and will see if...
  7. M

    What do you think?

    I am 6 months pregnant - I already have a little boy called Jake and am thinking about Austin for a boy...what do you think?