Recent content by Maxoula

  1. M

    Guessing game

    Mine is also out front and she's def. a girl :rotfl:
  2. M

    Nearly single and pregnant, what do you think?

    I've got an idea... Why doesn't Lucy tell him she just found out she's pg from her ex?? "She" should tell him she's so excited about the baby, but also a bit scared. See what his response is to that, he might run or maybe he'll tell "Lucy" that his g/f is also expecting. Might be interesting...
  3. M


    I had an odd massage at week 30 in South Africa, lying on my back on a massage bed with some kind of big water pillow under me. The woman then massaged my back (while I'm lying on it??). She put her hands between me and the bed and used a lot of oil. It felt a bit weird in the beginning, but...
  4. M

    Unususal Discharge?

    I'm sure it's all fine. I've had to start wearing panty liners from week 16. If I don't wear one then it feels like I wee-ed in my pants. If you use it, just make sure you change it very often (I would say at latest every 3 hours) to prevent thrush. Not fun, but you eventually get used to it...
  5. M

    Guessing game

    It's a girl :twisted: :rotfl:
  6. M

    Please help... don't know what to get

    Thanks a mil for your help! I'll have a look at these :hug:
  7. M

    Please help... don't know what to get

    Hiya All! Sorry for the long post :? Please help, I'm a first time mom and :rotfl: I have to buy baby stuff, but not sure what to choose. Can you please tell me what you use and the negative points of these product. I've been reading reviews of products on the net, but it...
  8. M

    Bump high vs bump low

    Mine is a small round ball sitting pretty low and it's a girl... But she must have long legs because she likes to kick right under my stomach after I've eaten :?
  9. M

    Let's show 3/4 scan pics

    Awww, that's sooo cute... Emmylou, your baby has got good manners already... :clap: with the little hand in front of the mouth while yawning :)
  10. M

    Hot flushes

    I'm due the 19th April and it's a girl... :D Thanks everyone, at least I don't feel too much like a freak now :rotfl: Thought it's just me getting these hot flushes...
  11. M

    Hot flushes

    Hiya Is it just me or do some of you get hot flushes? I'm 32 wks pg and only 29 yrs old!! Feels like I'm 50 or something :lol: I get hot flushes at least 2-3 times a day! Is this normal?
  12. M

    Let's show 3/4 scan pics

    Hiya All We had our 3&4D scan pictures done 3 weeks ago and I didn't feel like our pictures came out so nice, but after a bit of research it seems like it's not too bad... If you had yours done, please show some pictures... Here are some of ours...
  13. M


    If I was you I would say: "Yeah I'm pregnant that's why I'm so big... What's your excuse???". That will shut her up...
  14. M

    Flippin heartburn!

    I've been getting heartburn since week 16 and I'm now on week 30. It's just getting worse :puke: I have one fruit and I get heartburn... The worse part is that my throat really burns on bad days.. The only thing that works for me is Gaviscon, I've tried several things but nothing else...
  15. M

    Sorry far TMI, but...............????????

    Jano, I get it every time after orgasm. Some days I get it more than 4 times a day (not always after orgasm:-)) and other days I get nothing. This is my first baby and I got freaked out the first time I got it at about 9 weeks and I phoned my doctor and midwife and neither of them knew what I...