Recent content by Lynniepants

  1. Lynniepants

    Bedding for a 1 year old.

    If you think she's cold a blanket could help if you think she would be able to pull it off when she's too hot and put it over herself if she's too cold. I can't really remember how capable they are at that age!
  2. Lynniepants


    I used to use freecycle lots. Its great. Just apply to join yahoo group nearest you. Things do tend to go quickly, so check your emails as often as possible. They like if you offer things too if you are asking for them, so have a hunt round your house and see whats not needed.
  3. Lynniepants

    Maternity clothes already?

    I look like a tellytubby... but I'm just living in leggings and dresses. Jeans are far too tight and coat only zips up after a 5 minute fight with it. I think I'll be fine with my dresses and leggings for ages... i had stuff that was way too big anyway, but new coat and jeans are needed!
  4. Lynniepants


  5. Lynniepants

    Going slow......adivce

    Pregnancy last 9 years rather than months when you're the one thats pregnant lol. Once baba is born its a whole different matter. They go from gurgling in their moses basket to telling you t go shut up in what feels like a few months!!!
  6. Lynniepants

    Feeling a bit down...

    This time last year I had no friends. Now I have made loads who are all absolutely amazing. If you're a friendly person it won't be long til you have a whole new group of friends!!! :hug:
  7. Lynniepants

    wwwooo!!! off to trimester 2 2moro!! :-)

    YAY for getting to the next stage. All the exciting bits happen from here on in!!! Congrats, and see you there soon!!! :D
  8. Lynniepants

    Bedding for a 1 year old.

    Lucie was about 14 months when she started refusing to sleep in her grobags. She loved her duvet and pillow. I think when they get that wee bit bigger they wanna snuggle up in their duvet... just like we do i suppose. You could try a lower tog sleeping bag and maybe a wee light sheet instead tho.
  9. Lynniepants


    kink ;)
  10. Lynniepants

    Delayed speach

    My sister was told the same thing actually.
  11. Lynniepants


  12. Lynniepants


  13. Lynniepants


  14. Lynniepants


  15. Lynniepants

    i think i just gave oh a heart attack

    yeah, sleeping... sure. Stick to that story. ;)