Hey! Not to worried about getting pregnant this month (as long as its soon!) more about making sure I can as its all a worry the female body IUNWIM, yeah v early days and first month so cant really trust the monitor until next month....you never know I might have (or be) ov already/now but dont even know i am/have!
Yeah one bar on day 8 is the norm, I think I went high a little early but still normal. Did you say your cycle is approx 28 days?, if so that means that your fertile days starts Sat 15th (according to that website) and it says to start from 14th (in the "if you want a girl" section). It will be good if the monitor reads you correctly this month and shows two bars tomorrow (14th) then that would be mirroring the website
Thats what happened to me as I went to 2 bars on day 8 of cycle (the same day as the website said to start trying) but the days have not mirrored with ov (Well maybe they have