Recent content by Lee-Anne

  1. L

    Xmas 2009

    We were dealing with a business issue all last week so now I feel like I am behind on the rest I have to get. Kids are out of school on Friday for Christmas Holidays so I need to get done what I can for them and wrap them before they are home all day long. My OH's bday is Tuesday and I am...
  2. L

    Look what I bought my wee man

    I've finished most of my three kids through online shopping but soon have to venture out for my stepkids, OH and some others. I just know I will see "extras" to buy. Actually, we went to IKEA the other day and have found these "extras" for Amanda and Jayden. Dan will be picking up some desks...
  3. L

    We're going to see Santa, whats everyone elses plans?

    Finish cleaning my house and attacking my big pile of laundry at some point today. This afternoon I have to meet with a customer to collect payment and then may go and try to find a game my stepson is asking for. Tonight we are going to a house a few streets from us who have a very lovely...
  4. L

    Dont know what to do

    Quite a true fact actually. I've been talking to my OH about others' issues and often the more you make a big deal out of something or are suspicious of a man cheating, the more they are pushed away and actually will do it. Doesn't make sense in some ways, yet, at the same time, jealousy can...
  5. L

    Hi girls!

    Kicking me out already MM? :rofl: Way the wind is supposed to blow here pretty good today, it may blow me over to your area of the world.
  6. L

    Hi girls!

    Congratulations on the launch of this lovely forum! Wishing you all much success! :hug: As many of you know, I am a mom of 3, 1 girl and two boys and live in British Columbia, Canada.