Recent content by kia606

  1. K

    Am I the only one??

    I was having lots up til a couple of weeks ago and now I'm on complete pelvic rest - been diagnosed with complete placenta praevia and have been having small bleeding episodes. I have to abstain til March when we're having another scan to see if the placenta has moved... and even then if its not...
  2. K

    Baby's Gender

    I think there are alot of old wives tales around. When I had my daughter a few years back two midwives both tried to predict her sex by the speed of the heartbeat at one of my checks. I didn't ask's like they got a buzz out of trying to work it even the professionals struggle...
  3. K

    Stomach rumbling and hunger pains during and after eating.

    Thanks to everyone who replied to has really helped. The general message is EAT!!! ...and that's what I've been doing. There's nothing worse than that horrible sicky feeling when you are denying yourself food. On saying that...that horrible taste in your mouth after eating doesn't...
  4. K

    I know they say each pregnancy is different...

    I know they say each pregnancy is different but has anyone had very similar symptoms and patterns to their pregnancies??? I have! I've yet to have a sickness free one :shakehead: kia606 xxx
  5. K

    Stomach rumbling and hunger pains during and after eating.

    I am 8 + 2 weeks and for the past couple of days I have been incessantly hungry...I feel starving when I am eating and starving when I have finished eating. I know you are only supposed to eat 300 extra calories a day (and I'm sure that's after the first trimester)...if I gave into my hunger...
  6. K

    Have you gone off anything?

    Houmus... I used to love it... and being a veggie it would be really healthy for me to be eating it! The sight of a tub makes me want to puke. :( kia606 xxx