Recent content by kellyb27

  1. K

    Feeling Low

    Thanks everyone, this has really helped me. It's so nice to know that im not insane!! and I was right i am feeling a little better now I have sulked for a few days. I also came to the selfish conclusion that given the opportunity i wouldn't want to be PG so soon into my sisters Pregnancy as i...
  2. K

    Thought AF had arrived but just got faint BFP on 2 HPT's!

    Congratulations Mrs P - sounds like good news :) :clap:
  3. K

    Feeling Low

    Thanks It's nice to know there are people that understand.... Im just really angry that`she never even told me she was trying. I've spent hours telling her about my problems and the numerous visits to the docs and not once did she say anything.... I just want to be left alone and be able to...
  4. K

    Feeling Low

    Hi everyone. Just had the weekend from hell.... I am 27 years old and have been TTC for about 2 years now. I've been married for a year (aniversary on 2nd April) and been going to a fertility clinic for a year and a half. This whole TTC thing is now getting me down. I have tried metformin...
  5. K


    Hi, i wanted to introduce myself. My Name is Kelly I am 27 years old and married to Douglas. We've just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. We've been trying to concieve for about a year and a half seriously. i have looked at these type of forums before, and felt that I wasn't quite at...