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Apr 18, 2006
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Hi, i wanted to introduce myself. My Name is Kelly I am 27 years old and married to Douglas. We've just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. We've been trying to concieve for about a year and a half seriously.

i have looked at these type of forums before, and felt that I wasn't quite at a stage to share my story with everyone... then on Thursday my younger sister told me she is pregnant and my world fell apart. It's time for some support and this looks like the place to be :)

So here i am, looking forward to some good chats and some good news.
Hiya and Welcome!

This is the place if you want support, advice and some friendly chat :)

I can understand what you mean about your sister, but try to relax, and things will happen for you when the time is right.

Good luck!
Hey Sweetheart,

You have come to the right place. It must be gutting knowing your sister is pregnant when your so desperately trying, how old is your sister? It may be no comfort but Im a huge believer in fate and I think that when the time is right it will happen for you, and it will!!! Thats what I tell myself anyway. Im 20, been off the pill since January and Been trying 3 months with no luck as yet. Its not quite the same but it seems everyone I know is pregnant at the moment or has a small baby and I just want it to be my turn!!
If you need any advice or support you know where to come. Its ok to feel a bit narked about your sis being pregnant she probably understands and its only human!!

Baby Dust to You and Me :D

Trust me I know exactly how you feel, I remember when my little sister fell pregnant, shortly after I had suffered a miscarriage and been diagnosed with PCOS and been told by the doctor that motherhood would probably never be a reality for me, the fact that I had managed to become pregnant at all shocked the doctor as I have only one or two very short periods a year and have done since twelve years old. I remember the day my niece was born as the saddest and happiest of my life, that was nearly five years ago and I had accepted the fact that I was going to be a fab aunt but never a Mum. I met the love of my life a year ago and he accepted this fact about me and told me we didnt need children to complete our lives, I am now miraculously six months pregnant, survived the first three months which were the scariest of my life and well on the way to becoming a Mum, trust me darlin, if I can do it anyone can!

Here's wishing you all the luck in the world and remember practice makes perfect :wink:

Kat x
Hey Kelly!
Have you gone to your GP to ask for any tests etc? I am on my 10th month of trying. Frustrating isn't it!? Theres people all around me getting PG and a few of my friends who have just started trying. I just KNOW that they'll get there before me! Find myself trying not to be synical but it just happens sometimes. My friends have also said the same as jaidybaby, fate will play a role, and it's just not meant to be at the moment. You'll get there and so will I (with a bit of luck :pray: )
Keep me updated hun, and we'll all support each other here!!! :D
Hi all

My name is Lisa and i am loving this forum, all the tips and advice i'm getting and just knowing that there are people out there in the same position as me. Desperate to be a mum and have been for years but waited til my OH was ready, came off the pill in feb, so on the 2nd month of trying. AF due tomorrow actually although my periods have always been irregular before i was on the pill so we'll see!!

I'm 25 and a nurse i work with liviray (hey liv i'm a name dropper!!) :dance:

even though only on 2nd month i'm devasted when i see AF, its the same feeling that everyone seems to be pregnant around you and even on the TV its all pregnancy and babies.

Sending babydust to us all, wouldn't it be great if we all got pregnant together! this month fits in with me please!! :pray:
Hi and welcome to the forum. Hope you feel happy and supported here :)

Welcome to the forum......you will find the help and support here.......it's great!

Lots of luck ttc!

Amy xx
Ahhh Kelly.

Isn't it funny how someone elses great news can just shatter your world :(

I hope you find the support you need here and I will watch out for your BFP!! :lol:

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