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  • Orr cute!
    It's just Sat aft/eve in Leeds so nice and local.
    Have been experiencing some very persistent digging/pinching on the left of my uterus area pretty much since ovulation, but it got worse yesterday, which would be 6/7dpo. Really didn't think there was a chance this month so not sure what's going on??? Obviously previous months have taught me not pay too much attention to symptoms so trying not to get too carried away with it! Think I'll still drink on Sat, but take it easy. I'm due on my bday so would be a lovely present if it didn't come! Hope you are feeling better after the mil episode xx
    Sorry only just seen the message below!! Haha gotta be able to have a cock straw or two when you're on a hen weekend! Is it a full weekender or a night out? Have fun!!
    Been looking after my friends 6month old little boy tonight so having a broody moment! Xx
    Yeah, every cloud and all that!
    I also have a hen do next weekend, so need to be able to have a few drinks, can't drink through cock straws if I'm sober :D xx
    Woop that's good! Hoping I will have more of the good stuff this month- am having a glass of grapefruit juice each morning as that is supposed to increase it... fx anyway!
    Aw yeh very frustrating that you missed it, but at least you can have a few drinks and let your hair down while youre on holiday :)
    Good stuff!
    I'm ok thanks. Really pleased this month as I seem to be almost back to my 5 days of EWCM! Obviously disappointed that we couldn't take advantage of it :( Looking forward to next month! xx
    Thanks jules :) hope you're doing ok too?
    Having a weekend off thinking about ttc and sat drinking wine with my friends so feeling MUCH more relaxed now! Xx
    Im out for the month. Definitely not touching pregnacare again- its increased my cycle from 28 to 32 days and i had so many preg symptoms... Grr. Ah well, onto the next cycle! Hope you're well. X
    Fab will definitely be looking pregnancy yoga up then!!
    Yeh I've got a fair few pregnancy symptoms too but desperately trying not to read into them as it is likely to just be the vits... Damn things!!
    I think as far as Vietnam is concerned, if it happens before, it happens. Hopefully you wouldn't have the need to use any health care or whatever while you're out there anyway.
    I could do with something to distract me during this 2ww- only half way through so far!! xx
    I've got mixed emotions about trying before Vietnam. Think we will dtd when it takes our fancy but I won't actively avoid getting pregnant. I was just worried about the possibiity of getting pregnant and having complications out there. I might end up not knowing I am pregnant as I'll be away during my March tww, at least I'll have something to take my mind off the crazy symptom spotting!!!
    Fingers crossed you managed to catch it. I'll keep popping in to check on whether you have any news xx
    The yoga is quite easy to do really and makes you relax and destress, which I think is probably part of the problem of ttc!
    That's interesting to know that you have had the same thing happen on pregnacare, I didn't know you were taking it too. I'm convinced that the pregnacare vitamins have given me pregnancy like symptoms. Thinking back I even had them before we had started trying so I stopped taking them, but then decided that it was all in my head and started them up again - if only I had trusted my body! I'm now struck with a bloated body, sore feeling uterus and massive boobs with no reason for it. I've been drinking my body weight in water to try to flush the evil things out of my system! Plain old folic acid from now on! xx
    Oo no haven't heard about fertility yoga but will definitely look it up for next cycle if I've had no luck! Is it hard? Im not particularly flexible!

    Sorry af arrived... although pleased you didn't have to wait too long. I have stopped taking pregnacare now too... think i have had the same negative reaction. It's so frustrating as i waited 8 months for my cycles to regulate after coming off depo and now here i am another 3 or so months down the line with irregular cycles again, all because of a stupid vitamin!! Think i will put a review on amazon too. Hope it doesn't take long for us to both get back to normal! Hoping i still might be in with a chance this cycle though as we still dtd a lot around when i got my positive opk... here's hoping anyway!

    Will you still be trying this cycle with your holiday? x
    She's finally arrived! I'm glad really as I want to have a month getting those vitamins out of my system. I'm sooooo angry that they have messed up my cycle - my mate has said I should write to them, I might at least put a review on amazon. Some women seem to be fine on it but it's obviously no good for me. I want 28 day cycles so that we can try more often!!!
    Anyway, onwards and upwards. I'm drinking wheatgrass, taking plain folic acid and doing fertility yoga before bed. Don't know if you saw, but I was recommended to do this by someone who was told they would need IVF - they are 30 weeks pregnant now after doing the above for 1 month!!! xx
    Hmm yeh i started taking them this cycle and ovulated 4 days late which is probably going to make my cycle 32 days instead of 28... Very annoying. Might go back to just plain folic acid tabs next cycle if i don't get my bfp.
    Cramps could mean af or could mean something good! So frustrating that the symptoms are so similar! X
    I'll let you know what happens. Have geared myself up for next month now so just want my period to come. There is a little bit of cramping so it could be here tomorrow. My cycles used to be so regular and predictable and I have been wondering what I have done differently? The only thing I can think of is taking pregnacare conception and after reading some reviews online I have binned the remaining ones. Hope my cycles sort themselves out now! x
    Ha i got a dog last year but the broodiness comes back after a while! Hmm that's strange that af still hasn't come. Some positives don't show til later though? X
    Negative test this morning but still no signs, I'm now two days late. It's driving me mad, just want my period to come and put me out of my misery. My uterus is swollen and feels sore which is freaking me out! I'm tired of TTC already, think I'll just get a dog! xx
    Ooo perhaps it wasn't af but was something bfp related then?!! Let me know how you get on Tuesday!! Really keeping my fx for you! xx
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