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  • Well af arrived so it's onto the next cycle. Going to try one cycle with less stress, no opks etc and see of the holiday brings us luck. Then if that doesn't work going to book a doc appt.
    How's your cycle going? How long til you test? Xx
    Fingers crossed it's just a bad feeling!
    Yeah I might go to a specialist my friend went to if we aren't successful in a few cycles. The NHS lady was lovely, but I felt like she wasn't really listening and a little dismissive of my concerns. Anyway, I'll cross that bridge if needs be.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Xx
    Thanks hun. I've calmed down a bit now- just frustrating as af is still a few days away so its just a waiting game now. Might try and book a doc appt when i get chance, although don't really know my doc. Had a good relationship with my childhood doctor as he was the father of a close friend of mine but unfortunately he's retired now.
    Just have a bad feeling you know? If the doctor won't do anything i am tempted to go private.
    Hope you've had a nice day anyway! Xx
    That's rubbish! Defo go to see the doctor. I know it's a bit unethical, but you could say that you have been trying for a bit longer than you have? Even though you weren't actively trying, you haven't been preventing for over a year, I'm sure they will take you seriously.
    We'd only been trying for 1 month and because I was freaking out and pestering my doc, she did 21 day bloods and I have a scan to check my ovaries, tubes etc... She also said that if we are not successful in a couple more months that she send for a semen analysis too. I do have an amazing relationship with my doctor, not sure what yours is like, but you definately have a case! Try not to lose hope. I know it's frustrating, but it will happen and if there is something wrong, they can work miracles these days! Thinking of you xx
    Urgh it was negative :-( on a bit of a downer now and have just written a ridiculously long moany thread in am i pregnant. Kind of feel like i want to see a doctor but don't know whether they will take me seriously as haven't been properly trying for that long. There's got to be something wrong with me though surely as all months bar one i know we've dtd at the right time. Came off the injection over a year ago.
    Glad you're feeling relaxed- dtd a bit more Will help make sure you've covered your bases. xx
    Orr good luck! You may well have tested already?
    I'm fine, I think I've only just ovulated so it's that nice point where you know symptom spotting is pointless so I'm quite relaxed about it all. Take to me in a week and it will be a different story.
    We're going to carry on bedding every 2/3 days I reckon. I might try to convince myself that I haven't ovulated yet and that way I won't focus too much on the tww!
    Hope you get the answer you are looking for! Xx
    Haha not sure if I'll be able to talk my hubby into any more!!! He thinks all the bedding this month has caused a minor injury in a certain area...! Think he's hoping we've done it this month so he doesn't have to dtd for a while!!
    Think i might test tomorrow morning. May regret it, but the wait is killing me!
    How are you getting on? Xx
    Ooo.... Just read that you should have sex after ovulation because semen can help aid inplantation! Worth a try! :) Carry on bedding! Xx
    Haha yeh I've heard colds can be a sign but i am determined not to symptom spot this month- have had every symptom under the sun in previous months so i don't trust them anymore. Would be lovely if i was pregnant though as would make this long cycle worthwhile. Sick of feeling rubbish in the 2 ww and then finding out it was all for nothing!!
    At least its Friday, woop. Me and oh are going out for a nice meal tonight so should take my mind off things!!

    Haha will definitely give you a virtual slap if needed haha xx
    That is really annoying that ovulation has messed you up, it's not like it's not a long enough wait already!
    You no doubt known that getting a cold is a sign of pregnany? Don't want to get your hopes up, but it could be the month! Although one cycle I had a cold, bleeding gums etc etc...and AF arrived so I've totally given up on symptom spotting. If you notice me doing it this month give me a virtual slap! :D xx
    Ha will give body combat a go at some point then!
    Reckon I'm somewhere between 7-9dpo today. Hoping it's 9 rather than 7! Going to hold out for testing until next week. Toying with the idea of testing on Sunday as I hate testing before work in case it's bad news as puts me in a terrible mood then. It's annoying as my period would have been due today or tomorrow if id ovulated at the right time!
    I don't tend to get much EWCM visibly but think it's where it should be. Well done for keeping to the plan dtd wise! Not long now and you can relax then in the knowledge that you've done all you can :)
    Coming down with a crappy cold so feeling sorry for myself this eve! Had a majorly sore throat yesterday and today feeling achy and shattered and nose is starting to get cold-y. As if the 2ww isn't bad enough!! Don't like taking meds during the 2ww either so can't even take anything to numb the pain! xx
    Yeah you should, makes you feel loads better and being fit is vital for a healthy pregnancy. I'm using my future pregnancy (positive thinking) as my motivation to keep it up. I've done 5 classes in a row so far since I've been back from my holiday. I highly recommend trying body combat. It sounds scary and is a bit scary the first time you try it, but it's so addictive. All the Les Mills classes are ace!
    Any idea where you are in your cycle? You should be coming up to testing soon, but I suppose if you ovulated late, you could have to wait longer?
    Operation CTE is still going strong - CD 6,9,11,12,13,14. I had ovulation pain yesterday and have it again today. My EWCM isn't quite as abundant as it has been in the past, but I keep telling myself that it's up where it needs to be (I don't check internally). I think we'll calm down on the everyday baby dance on CD 19/20, surely we will have covered the bases by then? Think my OH is starting to get worn out ;) xx
    Yep fingers crossed all the lovin' will have paid off this cycle!! Ha.
    Yeh I used to do a few classes at the gym which I enjoyed, but my friend left and then I lost motivation to go by myself!! Might try and find a gym when we move and start it back up again- classes are much more fun than plain running etc. And yep work is the issue really isn't it- generally find by the time I've got home, walked the dog and made tea I have no energy for anything else! God knows what it will be like when a baby is added into the equation!! Although can't wait :)
    Ha glad operation CTE is going good! Perhaps not using opks will help decrease the stress levels too.. I was thinking about ditching them although if I don't get the bfp this cycle may still need to use them due to ov being all over the place this month...xx
    TWW is an absolute killer! Well fingers crossed it is something positive. I'm sure your luteal phase wouldn't just half for no apparent reason.
    I've been to the gym again today and think I may have broken my body! I do really enjoy it, but didn't used to! Once I'd found a class that I enjoyed and made some friends there I loved it. It's like I've got a whole new group of mates, but rather than meeting for food and drink, we burn calories. Just wish I didn't have to work and I would just go to the gym all the time - oh to be a celebrity!
    Operation catch the egg is going well so far, we've managed CD 6,9,11,12 and I had egg white yesterday and have had some more today so on it again tonight! Think I'm due to ovulate on CD15, but not using opks as there's nothing to be gained since we are going for everyday! Fingers crossed for both of us! Xx
    Yeh it's been fab so far- I was a bit of a sceptic at first but seems to be doing the trick! Well done on the exercise! I've got very little motivation as far as that's concerned... wish I was one of those people that enjoyed it!! Been taking the dog on longer walks and things so that's better than nothing I guess!
    Aw I'm sure you'll be fine- hopefully this cycle will do the trick :) I think if things don't happen for us within a few more cycles of trying everything I may try and get an appointment somewhere.
    Well, I had the three days of positives last week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) and then friday went negative so thinking I am somewhere between 5-7dpo today depending on which positive I go by. Have been getting period type pains today so don't know what's happening now... hoping it could be something positive, but worried that it might be af coming a week early which means my LP is mega short :(
    Urgh I hate the 2ww!xx
    That Paul McKenna thing sounds interesting, might have to give it a look! It's since my wedding that I've let myself go too :( I've exercised for an hour everyday since Sat and have curbed my snacking, not easy when you've had 5 Easter eggs bought!
    Hopefully it is timing, but like you say, if it isn't I'll be stressing even more that something isn't right. Think I might pay privately to see a consultant who my friend said was amazing if we aren't successful this cycle. I just keep worrying that the fibroid is causing issues, even though I was told that it shouldn't! Oh well, time will tell! Have you ovulated yet? xx
    Omg glossing is the worst. Especially if you get it on the carpet... Our dog ended up with a load of gloss on her one side when I was repainting the doors before putting our house on the market last year haha.
    I'm trying to lose about a stone too- seem to have gained a little too much since the wedding last year. Saw a photo of myself the other day and decided enough was enough- don't want it to continue as I'll end up huge! I've started on a Paul Mckenna thing- he's got a hypnotic gastric band book as my main issue is snacking and portion sizes. Seems to be working wonders so far- don't feel hungry and it doesn't even feel like I'm dieting. Felt it was a healthier option than cutting out food groups etc.
    Ah well hopefully the lack of success so far for you has been just a matter of timing. Although when you feel like you've done everything you start to worry there's something else wrong... can't win really!! xx
    Orr it will be ace to put your stamp on somewhere. I love decorating, well emulsion, I hate glossing, it's the devils paint! Fingers crossed you get a date soon!
    No nothing different this cycle apart from that I am going to start up exercising like I did before the wedding as I want to lose about a stone, otherwise I'll be a right blubber when I eventually get pregnant! We are going for every night during my fertile window and I am going to attempt to sleep with the goods inside (sorry tmi!!!). My sister swears by this method so it's worth a shot, although it sounds a bit messy for my liking!
    Looking back at my period tracker, we haven't covered my most fertile days on any cycle since we've started trying, not really sure how that has happened?! OH sperm obviously doesnt like waiting around for 3/4 days! Just hope my cervical mucus is good this cycle! Just looking forward to having a cycle where we couldn't have done anymore if we tried! Oh the joys of ttc! xx
    Ha be careful what you wish for i guess! I've always preferred even numbered years though. Hope we don't have to wait too much longer! Are you doing anything different this cycle? Apart from the lots of sex?!
    Yep the move will definitely be a good distraction. Im hoping we will get a date this week so we can book the van etc. Want to try and get a bit of painting done before the holiday if we get chance. Really excited- we never really made this house very homely so looking forward to putting the personal touches to the new place! Xx
    Well the move will take your mind off everything and might be just what you need to get you your bfp!
    It really is awful when you hear about people getting pregnant who are awful or who can't provide for them or don't even want them. It's hard to believe that everything happens for a reason! Let's hope 2014 will be out year to welcome a new life. I always said I didn't want a baby born in 2013, my prayers have been answered :( xx
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