Recent content by ishah2124

  1. I

    Is this normal?

    I feed my baby cow and gate. Hungry baby one and he only poos once a day, a big one like hes got dioreah, its been like this for a week or 2. Is this normal.
  2. I

    i want to stop now..please help me to.

    Maria I love your pic btw! I think it would be better gradually right? What if I do pump after how many ever hours but i do NOT empty the breasts, just pump 2 ounces out. (I produce 3oz normally)
  3. I

    i want to stop now..please help me to.

    I pumped ever 2-3-4 hours. I mean I have gone to 4 before. Shall I just pump a little when engorged then or just stretch hours longer before emptying breast?
  4. I

    i want to stop now..please help me to.

    I'm stopping pumping as of from now. Well, I want to. The last time I pumped was this morning at 4am how long shall I go between pumpings to see the milk go less. I don't want to go cold turkey because it KILLS.
  5. I

    What's wrong with him :'(

    ahhh he takes milk out after most feeds but not lots of sick... (well, sometimes) He doesnt like taking the dummy but he will if I keep giving it. I breastfeed him, (from bottle) I have been advised by a few people to change his milk and see if he will settle on something else but I change my...
  6. I

    What's wrong with him :'(

    He was but only the last 2/3 days, hes been in the descried situation for 2 weeks though. He had a diarrhoea like poo (sorry) last night though
  7. I

    What's wrong with him :'(

    Well, the thing is.. since a couple of weeks now my little boy starting like grunting a little bit, it was only a bit as I remember we use to laugh thinking he is making horsey sounds lol. Then it got a bit more annd then in the few days he started grunting/pushing, going red in the face...
  8. I

    Medela Mini Electric Plus Double Pump?

    Hi girls, I'm looking at the medela MINI breast pump.. does anyone use this, would it be any good for long term pumping? I'm thinking of getting the bustier with it too so it makes it hands free.
  9. I

    does anyone conbine?

    Does anyone combination feed... Expressed milk and formula if so... How many times do you give formula a day
  10. I

    He's having a lot of problem, which shall I give?

    I know I have previously asked something along these lines... but my baby boy is really having some kind of problem.. He's continuously pushing/stressing and going red in the face, never content and always moving and stressing. A lot of people keep saying to stop feeding my milk (I express) and...
  11. I

    Everyone keeps saying it's too much...

    You're right with that one. 100%
  12. I

    Breastfeeding question :S

    hiii as much as everyone has told me that I should get my baby back on the breast, I gathered breastfeeding was just not for me :( It was impossible to get him latched on once he latched off and it stressed us both out a lot so I just stuck to expressing yeah its so time consuming but its much...
  13. I

    Is this ok?

    aw thanks for taking the time to help :) much appreciated
  14. I

    Is this ok?

    No no I havent tried anything my healthcare v knew about aptimil and that she said top it up after bf if hes hungry thats why. I told my midwife that he has that much milk she said if he keeps it in and doesnt be sick all the time it's fine. So I guess thats just how mcuh he drinks? He does take...
  15. I

    Everyone keeps saying it's too much...

    I was on another forum and was talking about pumping ect and someone asked me how much my son was feeding...I told them how much he feeds and they said it was too much for a baby that age. My son is a month old and he drink from 3-6oz at each feeding. His average feed would be 4-5oz but he...