Recent content by Fingers crossed

  1. F

    Advice on bottle warmer/carriers

    Personally I don't think this product is that great unless you're planning to use the bottle within 2 hours cos the bottle is too cold. I usually have a small thermos of hot water and use that if I plan to be out for more than the 2 hour limit the TT bottle bag would give me.
  2. F

    Drying up?

    The last couple of days jess dont seem to be satisfied unless i top her up with formula. She sucks one boob really hard then has a paddy so i offer the other which she sucks until its sore then gets angry with that boob. I really dont want to give her formula but i dont like seeing her hungry. I...
  3. F

    Happy Birthday G3M!

    Happy birthday , hope you have a good one
  4. F

    retail therapy

    I thought you were going to cut down on shopping lol.
  5. F

    I may sound thick

    I've heard people on here mention dream feeding, but what exactly do you mean? I don't get up in the night until jess is awake, do you mean i could feed her when she's sleeping but just stirring?
  6. F

    Sleeping too much?

    Today Jess went to sleep around 5pm after 4oz of formula (then sicked up about 1oz of it) then she woke at 9pm and had a boobie feed and fell asleep on boobie and she's still asleep now at past 1am. She has been very sleepy for over a week now as she's having a growth spurt (she put on 5oz in 5...
  7. F

    Debecca News - CONNIE'S HERE

    :cheer: Yay at last. Congratulations :hug:
  8. F

    Would you reccommend using a TENS?

    I used one until I was 6cm, it was OK but it was one the hospital provided and it didn't really work properly so I probably didn't get the full effect. I had to have it taken off to get in the birthing pool, and OMG I think a few layers of skin was ripped off with it, taking it off was more...
  9. F

    Has she gained enough weight?

    That's all good to know, she does still sleep loads so she must be getting enough otherwise she wouldn't sleep so soundly :) she's just a miserable cow when she's awake
  10. F

    My baby smiled!

    It's lovely when they start to smile, even if they are unintentional.
  11. F

    miserable babies ?

    :hug: :hug: Don't blame yourself hon. I had a great PG so If that was the case then Jess would be the most well behaved, contented, happiest baby ever, but I bet she'd give Leland a run for his money in the miserable department.
  12. F

    my baby won't let me do anything

    My bump got all jealous when I was holding a friends newborn. Bump started kicking upwards where the baby was being held :lol:
  13. F

    Connie-tractions are getting worse now... :-)

    I'm connie-vinced :lol: she'll be here very soon. If it helps, I had a good sex session on the morning I went into labour :wink:
  14. F

    *Muppetmummy - Logan is here!!!!!!!!*

    Congrats :hug:
  15. F

    Stretchmarks Already?

    I had my first one at 8 weeks. I love them, they remind me of why I got them :D