we have that Monogamy game too - it's brill actually,think i should def get it out when its ov time!
what a brill thread, keep the ideas comin, ttc it hard to keep exciting sometimes!
did it this morning with FMU, and it's a BFN :(
knew it'd be too good to be true, it'd be almost exactly a year since I last fell pregnant and that seemed just too unbelievable. I'm also getting pre AF cramps now. Let's hope for next month!
thanks for your replies :)
we were in sainsbury's earlier and i picked up a 2 pack of clear blue. might try hold out as long as poss maybe till monday (who am i kidding, i'll be at it first thing in teh morning :rotfl: )
I'm convinced I'm not, just don't wanna hurt myself again by hoping too...
i guess if your cycles are irregular it's possible that you could become preg straight after period.. i'm not sure how common it is though. I'd wait a little while longer before you test again, it really would be so much easier if someone would just invent something that could tell you straight...
First of all... I'm back, after a long long break cos I was just getting myself too stressed out about TTC. I'm not due on till next saturday, but the last week I've been stupidly grumpy, really tired but waking in the middle of the night and I keep dreaming about being pregnant. For some...
It only took a week - most impressed! Here it is:
Thank you for being patinet wiht me while I got back to you reading. They are showing me a GIRL and relating her to JUNE so this is either birth month, concieve month or the month you find otu inl. They are linking me more so to the begining...
thanks girlies... really hope its good news! :pray:
im really thinkin its not helping with my oh still working away in the week... im not using opks anymore to relax it a bit but guessing by your positives sammy i figure im ready to roll soon!!! thank god hes back tomorow!
..and just paid for my cheri22 reading. i'm actually really quite scared now about what it might say! is anyone else waiting for a reading right now? how long does it normally take? coupla weeks?
you're right hun, at least there's a plan in place and dr's are taking things seriously! it's also incredibly important to have a dr who puts you at ease, especially with these kind of things.
really hope this starts getting things rolling hun :hug: best of luck in you ttc :pray: you get...
everyone has said pretty much exactly what i was told by doctors... i've tried to detach myself from thinking i "only have one tube" and just forget about it for the most part. If i don't i get too bogged down with it all and panic that I'll struggle.
good luck getting pregnant :)
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