Recent content by daddychris

  1. D

    bebecar and buggy boards

    Hi We have a bebecar with a grand type chasis (see piccy) We have two little ones, one who is near enough walking and the other for the pram. Has anyone any suggestions for a buggy board for this type of pram. Some...
  2. D

    Matthew Arthur John Gerring

    Matthew Arthur John 6th January 2009 @ 00:48 3.4kg 7 1/2lbs Birth from a Dad's point of view. LO was due on 8th and we had waited all over Christmas. For some reason we had both thought he would be nearer to Christmas, we shifts of grandparents ready for our other LO Charlotte. OH woke on...
  3. D

    French Mother and Baby group

    Parents who are bilingual or have two languages in the family worry about their childrens language. There is a great web site called "talk to your baby" from the national literacy trust that gives advice for parents where english may not be the first language. Its at...
  4. D

    Talking two languages to baby

    Parents who are bilingual or have two languages in the family worry about their childrens language. There is a great web site called "talk to your baby" from the national literacy trust that gives advice for parents where english may not be the first language. Its at...
  5. D

    nostalgic trip for old kids programmes

    Sadly I remember a lot of those. Can you help, I remember a programme with four animals that played musical instuments (not the banana splits but similar (ooops I'm off now "one banana, two bananan, three bananan four.....lalala la lala la lalala lala lala la")) they were called the "animal...
  6. D

    Organising 1st LO when 2nd LO is due

    Thanks for all the ideas. We have talked about getting Charlotte a doll so she can do with the doll what we do with the new baby (minus the breastfeeding (there aren't any dolls that do that, they all come with bottles but that is another question for the forum)) I do like the idea that little...
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    Organising 1st LO when 2nd LO is due

    Hi all, just looking for others experiences when 2nd LO is due. OH is due in January but we will be ready to go anytime around Christmas onwards. We have Charlotte to bear in mind this time too. Grandparents have said that they will look after her when we have to rush away, and it may be easier...
  8. D

    Organising 1st LO when 2nd LO is due.

    Hi all, just looking for others experiences when 2nd LO is due. OH is due in January but we will be ready to go anytime around Christmas onwards. We have Charlotte to bear in mind this time too. Grandparents have said that they will look after her when we have to rush away, and it may be easier...
  9. D

    My OH.........

    Sometimes its not easy being an OH. As we do not know the physical difference between a BH and labour (and never will) its difficult for us to know. When actual labour comes we think we have to swing into action and everything ( I Know if my OH reads this, she sent me to bed when she started her...
  10. D

    A husbands view

    Hi Nick TB, sorry about your loss. We lost our little Sam earlier this year. I know how you feel, seeing your OH in such pain and heart is so hard but you have to be strong for them, it is hard for you too. Its probably not something you will forget and overcome easily but it does get easier. We...
  11. D

    oh no....another thread on Kai's speech!

    Hi I'm a speech and language therapist, without seeing Kai I cannot give a reccomendation but as a rule of thumb we suggest children to say about 50 ish words by the time they are two. However as everyone else has said, children develop at different stages and to their own priorities and as a...
  12. D


    Hi I'm AndreaG's OH. I have a tongue tie and it has never affected me. Yes I can't stick my tongue out much further than my teeth and like your daughter when I do it forms a heart shape. From a professional point of view (Speech and Language Therapist), if a child is able to say "d" and "t"...
  13. D

    doesn't want daddy

    Charlotte has been clingy over the last week or so. We hoped that as by OH and me have been sharing the caring this would not happen. However over the last few days Charlotte has turned away from me when I give her a hug and wants to go back to Mummy. Today we went swimming and she couldn't do...
  14. D

    taking LO swimming

    Charlotte and I went swimming at about 6 months and have just finished our first course, starting next lot soon. Another little one in our group was 7 weeks when he started, and the teachers new little one started at two weeks. There is no age restriictions on when they start its more your...
  15. D

    I have a secret

    Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months!