Recent content by Beth&Archer

  1. B


    Archer got his at 3 months and its worked brilliantly for him. Does Ellis still relax when the hairdryer is on? Or the tumble dryer? If he does then it should still work. xxx
  2. B


    Hey Keeley Check out this link to slumberbear plus ... d1a2821210 Basically its a bear with a box inside that makes a number of different sounds to help the baby sleep. We've got the plus version which plays the noise for 5 minutes then stops, if...
  3. B


    Hey keeley Somethings I have found always work with Archer: 1) At night, make a hot water bottle or hot pack and put it in his bed for a few minutes before you put him in it (esp where his head will go on the sheet), Make sure its not HOT though. This guarantees Archer going down well...
  4. B

    Feel like crap

    Hi Dionne Sorry you're having such a hard time with both your bubs... I think you're coping really well hun :hug: I expect having the jab will be fine, but mention it to the nurse beforehand just in case. Also I would ask first whether or not there may be any side effects from the jab...
  5. B


    Hi all, Hope everyone had a great crimbo and new year! Archer is now nearly 13 weeks and he's been struggling with his poops the last week or so. Whereas before he would poop a few times a day, he is now struggling to do one every 3 days. I know anything up to once a week is considered...
  6. B

    Pain thats WORSE than childbirth

    About three weeks after giving birth I had really really sore nipples from breastfeeding, they were all cracked and weepy, you think this would be sore enough but no... one day while getting dressed the strap of my nursing bra came unclipped and I got my hand caught in it, accidentally...
  7. B

    Letting them cry?

    LOL yep he loves it too, but can't be trusted!! He does a wee everytime my back is turned!!! :rotfl: Thanks littlelady, I am now much better at realising when he's in pain and when he's just grizzling and the tummy rubbing does seem to work. I think alot of the time he just needs to know that...
  8. B

    Letting them cry?

    Thanks Budge that does seem to help a bit and also he has done a few farts like that which is what I think is casuing all the pain :oops:
  9. B

    Beth (Archer's Mum!)

    Thanks you two!!! Leorah and Katy are both absoultely gorgeous, they are gonna be heartbreakers!!! And Skatty I have to agree with Em, I think you are amazing to be sticking to such a strict diet, I know how it feels to be willing to try anything, but limiting yourself like that really is...
  10. B

    Beth (Archer's Mum!)

    Hey Skatty We had a much better night last night!! :D , and I think its becasue I've changed a few things with feeding. I found this site and its got some great info about breast feeding. I'm now using compression to ensure he gets all of the hindmilk...
  11. B

    Beth (Archer's Mum!)

    LOL I was just thinking about posting in the forum twins thread!!! I am seriously thinking about doing the diet you are talking about as the last 24 hours have been really tough, he is never usually this bad. He wouln't nap at all yesterday and then he would not sleep for any longer than an...
  12. B

    Letting them cry?

    I attempted to let Archer cry (after feeding, nappy change and temperature check of course) in the very early days but soon realised that it was a far more relaxed atmosphere if I just picked him up when he was crying. I also felt that when he was very tiny he coulnd't possibly understand the...
  13. B

    Medicine Cabinet essentials

    Hi skatty Theres the new baby nurofen aswell isn't there? Haven't used it myself but might be worth getting some in just in case?
  14. B

    Sorry this is a bit gross...

    Thanks Bagpuss, they're great. I'm gonna print out the Dr Jay Gordon one and sitck it to my fridge so I can refer to it whenever a strange poo occurs!!! I always thought it was a jokey myth that parents become obsessed with what is in their babies nappies!!! And here I am proving it to be...
  15. B

    Belly 'rumbling'

    Defo sounds like colic to me hon. I really sympathise becasue Archer is exactly the same, and its so heartbreaking seeing them in so much pain :cry: We tried everything but nothing seems to work except rocking him and singing twinkle twinkle or a lullaby. NHS direct promiised me it...