Recent content by Bella2

  1. Bella2

    when can i stop sterilising?

    Thanku for all your replies girls really appreciate it. I am pretty merticulous anyway when washing bottles so hopefully all will be fine. Good point mrs n i hadn't thought about her only being on a couple of bottles a day by then that's a good point :-) xx
  2. Bella2

    Baby Grace Elizabeth

    HELP FROM OH Had a lovely weekend, Grace enjoyed Ezmae's birthday party, such a cheeky little miss though, whilst I was in the kitchen warming up her lunch she stole a slice of pizza of a child's plate and started eating it!! :oooo: was so exhausted after the party fell asleep in the car...
  3. Bella2

    when can i stop sterilising?

    Have booked a holiday in France for September by which time my LO will be 11 months. Would be it be okay by then to stop sterilising the bottles? I know most of the websites recommend waiting till a year but really don't want to have to lug the steriliser with me if I can help it. Also would I...
  4. Bella2

    blighted ovum

    I found out I had a blighted ovum at 10 weeks pregnant, it's so awful and upsetting when all the symptoms are there to find there's no baby :-( BUT I went onto have a healthy little baby girl with my next pregnancy so there is every hope for you next time. Big big hugs x x
  5. Bella2

    Terrified mum

    I had a similar situation in that I had a MMC at 10 weeks in Nov '10, then got pregnant again in the Feb. Was terrified something would go wrong again and even went out and bought bumper packs of white knickers so I could check for any spotting! BUT chances of it happening a second time round...
  6. Bella2

    Baby Grace Elizabeth

    ANOTHER COLD & FIRST WORDS! Poor baby Grace has had yet another cold - started with a bit of a cough and then her nose has been running terribly. As a result she's dribbling again! Had a couple of nights where she woke in the night as she felt unwell but rocked her back to sleep and she was...
  7. Bella2

    How much food?

    Wow he is doing well! x x
  8. Bella2

    Baby Grace Elizabeth

    1ST FATHERS DAY & PORTION SIZE ANXIETY! Had Grace weighed on Tuesday, she's 17lb 9oz! Has put 10 ounces on in 2 weeks eek! :shock: Health visitor didn't seem to think it was a problem as still roughly following her centile line but feel a bit worried now I'm overfeeding her. Made the mistake...
  9. Bella2

    How much food?

    I am struggling a bit at the moment getting Grace's portion sizes right...originally I don't think I was feeding her enough as she would be hungry/grizzly and when I compared it to what my friends babies were having it wasn't much. So then I upped it quite a bit and she put on 10ounces in 2...
  10. Bella2

    Baby Grace Elizabeth

    SLEEPING PROBLEMS & BABY FRIENDS! And so another month has gone by! Grace is now 8 months old :) Have had a mixed bag of days/nights recently. MIL came down to look after Grace while I was at work Monday, the first time she had had her all day and got on fine. That night though and the...
  11. Bella2

    Recipe Ideas?

    thanks girls, will def try the cauliflower cheese! Good idea re copying the Ella's kitchen combinations. Mum2B - I'm mostly doing TW but she does have finger foods too. Funny as Grace has been a bit constipated lately, something she's used to suffer with as a young baby but I have lactulose...
  12. Bella2

    Need to rant and get some advice- feeling pretty crap :-(

    Little bugger with the mobile! Gosh she sounds so similar to Grace - at least we know we're not alone! Good luck and lets hope they get past this phase soon! x x
  13. Bella2

    Can I give spag Bol etc??

    So gorgeous! x
  14. Bella2

    Can I give spag Bol etc??

    aww thanks I love your picture too! So cute how she's copying you! x
  15. Bella2

    Night feeds

    It was a real struggle getting 3 meals in at first with such an early bedtime. But we've managed to get a routine going now and I dropped one of her milk feeds when I introduced the 3rd meal. At the min her routine is: 7am ~ Solid breakfast & bottle 9:30ish ~ Nap 11am ~ bottle 1pm ~ Solid...