Recent content by ashley22

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    Toddler bed

    Hi Not been on for such a long time but had a little Q, What age did you put your LO's in a toddler bed? Erin is 19 months and is a great sleeper - she goes to sleep awake and alone in her cot and doesnt make a fuss but I'm not sure if I should do it will she's a bit younger or wait till...
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    Here's my Heidi!

    Oh god, she's gorgeous!!!!!
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    Sore bum :-(

    Bepanthen is good, I use that on Erin if she gets a little red.
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    Why do babies fight sleep!!

    Have you tried making the room dark through the day so she may think it's night time?
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    What kind of formula?

    Erin was on SMA GOLD and was quite a hungry baby at about 4 weeks so we put her on SMA WHITE and she threw up all the time, now she is on Aptimil 2 and is great.
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    My lil boy is here!

    What a wee cracker!!!!
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    sleeping through the night!!

    Erin has a dummy and I do try to give her that in the middle of the night and I have also tried water but she just screams the place down! I dont think she needs the food cause she only takes about two ounces but she does get up about three times in the night and take two each time. I put...
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    sleeping through the night!!

    Erin is still not sleeping through the night. I put her down about 9pm every night after giving her a bottle and a mushed up rusk and she still wakes up crying about twice! Its driving me crazy cause I'm shattered Wjose babies are sleeping through and whose aren't and those of whose are...
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    Expecting Again????

    Well I think I might be pregnant so I don't have a choice. When I was pregnant I said that it would be my last but Erin is such a good beby that if I am it will be a nice suprise!
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    Erin ar Crimbo!!!

    My little angel on Christmas Day!!!
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    List of Our 2005 Babies

    Name: Erin Barnes Due Date: 11/12/05 Birth Date: 12/10/05 Weigh: 7lb 11 1/2 onz Best Bit: Her first smile.
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    Welcome to Isaac...

    What a cutie!!!!!!!! :D
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    Ruby Jordana Scorey is here!!!!!!!

    How quick was that!!! Congratulations tho, she's a cracker!!!
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    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe I missed this!! Hope Mother and Baby are well. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx