your top 10 "things to do before you die"


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Mine are; (in no particular order)

~Learn to speak an ancient language
~Take a boat up the river congo
~Write an epic novel and get it published
~Reach spiritual enlightenment
~Become mortgage free
~Forgive my mother
~Form another band
~Be completely vice free
~Drive across america
~Get atleast one more degree

What are yours?
hmm not sure i have many.

~get a good job which i enjoy
~ buy a house so i dont have to deal with **** landlords
~open some form of animal rescue
~learn not to hate myself quite so much.

cant really think of any more
ooooo, nice idea


- Go to Eurovision (I LOVE it :oops: )
- Go to Machu Picchu, Japan, Borneo to play with Orangutans
- Write a book (don't know what about, but have one in me)
- Learn to play the Cello
- Learn some therapies like Reiki, Reflexology etc
- Get a Phd in Special Ed.
- Slim to a size 10/12 and wear a fantastic gown to a wonderful party.
- Learn to paint water colour and take stunning photographs
- Make a difference to someone
go to New York and see 'ground zero'
have three children :D
get married and have a MASSIVE wedding with the white dress and everything...
own my own house with a beautiful garden
own a brand new Ford KA
buy a Pug and breed them so i have lots of baby pugs :lol:
win the lottery, never have to work again, give my family lots of money and to charities
train as a hairdresser/beauty therapist and own my own salon
go on a date with Jake Gyllenhall (just dont tell Danny! :lol: )

thats 9 - cant think of another and i know they arnt very good lol :oops: :lol:
Great lists there, I think its always good to reflect and think about these things, it tends to spur me on to actually do something instead of just wishing it lol
own a cottage in the highlands
learn to snowboard (properly)!
Drive a top fuel jet car...just like hammond ;)
have 3 happy and healthy kids
winthe lottery and do all of the above
Hmmmm.... so many to choose from!!

~ Train to be a professional chef

~ Try to have a good (or at least better) relationship with my Dad

~ Try to forgive myself for things that have happenend in the past

~ Go back to New Orleans and try to help rebuild it after the destruction of Hurricane Katrina & Rita

~ Learn to make excellent cocktails - I think the proper term is a Mixologist!

~ Finally find the house I want

~ Have another 2 or 3 babies and make sure they are all healthy

~ Meet Steve Tyler of Aerosmith

~ Be mortgage free and have loads of money so I can give some to Cancer charities

~ Learn to like boats and go back to Mexico and down the canel in La Tasco and enjoy it instead of throwing up :(

~ Always have a happy, healthy marriage to my hunny bun Brian

Ok, ok thats 11 - but the last one is important!! :D
i've been thinking about this all day GGG..

- have a baby
- be mortgage free and live in nice house
- own a place in thailand
- find a cure for my friends blindness ( but i think they already have done judging by the news at the weekend)
- see leeds utd win the european cup ( doubt that will ever happen in my lifetime)
- find a job i really want to do not just because the money is good
- do the inca trail in peru
- see George Bush on trial ( that man makes me so angry)
- have enough money so my parents can retire early

and .......
- the last person i see before i die to be OH ( not quite in keeping but you get my drift)
visit africa to see the underprivilaged children and give them big hugs x
go and watch england football team play in one set of world cup games.
Go back to south africa and stay somewhere in the bush.
Learn to ride a motorbike
Go on a shopping trip to New York.
Go and watch an ice hockey match in canada
Stay in an ice hotel in iceland
Learn how to draw
Run a marathon
Show my children how much I love them
Stop appologising for everything
-see my grandchildren
-never have money troubles
-die happy

thats all i want :D
at this very moment in time.

have this ruddy gall bladder cut out
see alice grow up happy and healthy
have 2 more kids
our business to really take off in the next few months so i don't need to go back to work!

thats all i can think of at the mo :)
See Harry grow up
Go to New York
Buy a Ford Streetka
Get a decent Job with career prospects
No money worries
Be Happy
I would say win the lottery, meet Alice Cooper, and put an end to war, famine, and poverty, but those things are out of my control, so I'll stick to things I CAN control :)

-emigrate to Australia
-slim down to a size 10/12
-get my Classics degree
-visit the seven wonders of the world (the ancient world preferably, although I'd like to see the modern wonders also).
-learn how to speak grammatically perfect fluent French
-learn how to skate
-buy a new piano and take up playing again
-own a porsche boxster convertible
-own a pet pig
-see the northern lights (aurora)
-Ban the making of ford KA's, The new VW beatle and the BMW mini :wink: oh and the 'hairdresser' style mr2's ...

- Emigrate to Australia, or bring this country a whole new government that actually think before sinking its own population into poverty through taxes and fines to pay for their wine and crack cocaine addictions..

- Own a Zonda s 7.3 :wink:

- Get into a career where I can move up and up and up...and still dress 'normal' and laugh at all the muppets in london with their spikey crocodile shoes and gucci sunglasses

- Get a motorbike license and literally 'fly' everywhere

- Travel the world and help poverty and ban hunting..*ehem and meet keanu reeves....;)*

-Watch my beautiful baby boy, and any other children I may have grow up happy and healthy (and possibly a future Jenson Buton ;) )

- Learn more languages and scratch up on my Swedish again.

- earn lots of money so i can pay off my families debts and buy a big shop for my mom and sisters site

-live a good long life, forget the bad in my past and have no regrets. :wave:
1 - Score the Shrovetide ball
2 - Go to Seattle on a Kurt Cobain pilgrimage
3 - Meet all of the celebs I want to meet
4 - Learn to drive and learn to ride a motorbike
5 - Be a brolly girl in British Superbikes, World Superbikes and Moto GP
6 - Do another sponsored singathon
7 - Wire up a rocket launcher to our cars so we can get anyone in our way :lol: (got terrible road rage)

Can't think of any others but when I do, i'll edit this post
be debt free (did quite well on that one until I got itchy feet again)
re-acquire a mkII Escort (not very practical with kids)
watch my children grow into adults, get married? and have their own children
make sure my parents are well looked after in their twilight years
go to lapland at Christmas
learn to take time out
This is a fun game, Ive never been in off topic before. Mine is:

Get married to my best friend and soul mate :D
Go to Monets garden during our honeymoon in Normany
Have Two children
Learn to keep a pretty garden
become an infant school teacher
Take up my guitar again
Sing a song well in front of an audiennce (I have the worst stage fright but have always dreamed of being able to sing in front of someone)
Own and keep a car on the road!
Own an old ramshackle cottage with a rose bush in the garden!

God ive got loads more too!
cassi said:
-the BMW mini

whoo hooo! with you there!!!

I drive a classic mini, love them to bits and have had loads, BMW have started sueing everyone that uses the mini name, putting small companies out of business that have been supplying parts to the classic community for 50 years!!! They even closed down our website club because we used the word mini! They cant just wipe away a british icon!

Also got a 35 year old Beetle, tho its in tooo many bits at the mo!

rant over!

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