

Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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...Is getting induced tomorrow!! :dance: :cheer: Little Aimee will very soon be here!!

Enjoy your last day alone!! :cheer: :cheer: Get LOADS of sleep and just reeeelax & put your feet up!

GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! :cheer: xxx
Ooh good luck chick, hope it all goes smoothly :pray: :hug: x
yay finally!!
I still cant believe they've let you go this long - esp with spd etc.

can't wait to hear!!!
Good Luck for tomorrow!! Hope everything progresses quickly for you and your holding your LO very soon!! x
yay - good luck and I hope it all goes smoothly. :hug:
Good luck hon speci day is now a breath away ope it all goes to plan
cant wait to see your little cutie!!

x :hug:
I cannot believe she has not come by herself, she must be so cosy in there Jo-
very best of luck for your induction and i hope you are finally holding your little girl
very soon, can't wait to see the piccies and hear your story! xx :hug: :hug:
Good luck :D The end is now definitely in sight :cheer:
:cheer: Can't believe tomorrow is the big day!!

Thanks for all the messages ladies! :hug: I am planning to have THE most relaxing day ever today. Ewan has got my favourite meal in, I am going to get myself comfortable on the couch and we are going to watch my favourite movies... and Ewan isn't allowed to complain about the chick flicks! :lol:

I will get Ewan to send Dannii a picture message of Aimee so you can all see the lil madam who has kept us all waiting for her arrival! :cheer:
Good luck!! Hope it goes well for you! :cheer:
xjoann said:
:cheer: Can't believe tomorrow is the big day!!

Thanks for all the messages ladies! :hug: I am planning to have THE most relaxing day ever today. Ewan has got my favourite meal in, I am going to get myself comfortable on the couch and we are going to watch my favourite movies... and Ewan isn't allowed to complain about the chick flicks! :lol:

I will get Ewan to send Dannii a picture message of Aimee so you can all see the lil madam who has kept us all waiting for her arrival! :cheer:
Wouldn't it be funny if after aaaaaall this, she ends up putting you in labour this evening?! LOL!!

Maybe not, but it would be nice and we can still hope! :D xx
dannii87 said:
xjoann said:
:cheer: Can't believe tomorrow is the big day!!

Thanks for all the messages ladies! :hug: I am planning to have THE most relaxing day ever today. Ewan has got my favourite meal in, I am going to get myself comfortable on the couch and we are going to watch my favourite movies... and Ewan isn't allowed to complain about the chick flicks! :lol:

I will get Ewan to send Dannii a picture message of Aimee so you can all see the lil madam who has kept us all waiting for her arrival! :cheer:
Wouldn't it be funny if after aaaaaall this, she ends up putting you in labour this evening?! LOL!!

Maybe not, but it would be nice and we can still hope! :D xx

It would be even funnier if when I arrive at the hospital tomorrow my waters break the second I step in the hospital. :rotfl: I would love it if she made her appearance tonight but I've finally FINALLY given in and accepted that it shall be an induction! :rotfl:

I wonder how it is going to feel NOT being pregnant anymore!! :think: I feel like I've been pregnant for years now! :rotfl:

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