WTF is it with men?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Why do they seem so threatened by a f*kn computer?? :x

It was my turn to get the 'you-love-your-laptop-more-than-you-love-me' argument last night :roll:

What he doesnt seem to realise is that he comes in from work and watches tv all night but I dont say 'you-love-the-tv-more-than-me'. When Im on the laptop Im sitting right next to him on the settee so its not like Im somewhere else or ignoring him.

Oh, but the best bit by far was when he told me he's paranoid that I'll leave him for someone off the net :roll: I dont even talk to any blokes on the net!

So anyway, this isn't another leaving post...bugger that, I aint going anywhere :lol: I'll probably just be more quiet on a night when he's in.

I usually do peoples sigs on a night when the kids are settled but now that this has happened I dont think I'll get time to do them, not for the minute anyway. Im so sorry to do this but you might have to ask happy_chick to do them after all.

I don't know why men are so bloody petty :roll:
Brian wouldnt dare do that to me!! As he sits and either watches TV or is on his laptop playing poker!!

I do get asked "why do you still go on that pregnancy site - you're not pregnant anymore?" He doesnt seem to understand! :x
I used to get this off my DH kirsty and I had the ul leave me crap when i had stephen.what a load of bollocks!
I told him the internet is keeping my mind occupied during the day while im looking after stephen and the site is a great help asnd support to me while im pregnant, and i told him i will still use it afterwards.He soon gave up.And is ok about it now. As long as hes fed lol

Sounds like you need to give your OH the hard word kirsty, men are so damn petty when they want to be.Give me bitching girls at school anydays.

I hope you get things sorted out. Also point out you can dio what you want when your the sole carer of his children while hes out working and you deserve something fun to do.
I guess I'm pretty lucky in that respect- my OH is the opposite- he really doesn't care what I do, bless him!!!
Ive had this to..

we nearly split up once cos i went on a chat room loads (not now though) and he thought i was into all the men on there.. even though i wasnt , just cos they private message me he thought it was me ..

now though cos i only come on forum and msn hes ok with it ... oh and he gets to go on ebay lol..
Its not him whos asked me to stop coming on as much, its my decision and Im doing it to avoid the same things coming up in every argument we have cos its getting a bit daft now :roll:
Im meant to be getting a new PC tonight but I told him theres no point cos he'll complain when I go on it cos it'll be in another room unlike my laptop.

Grrr , I really want me and him to work but every day he does or says something that really winds me up and we just argue about stupid little things :x
Same here, frangelle! Besides, he spends so much time on b3ta etc that I'd probably just have to mention pots, kettles and the colour black and the argument would be won!
When we're getting on he doesnt mind me coming on at all but when we argue or he wants to make me bite thats when he'll make some sly comment.

Like last night Ryan was restless and I was tired and Daniel said 'Why dont I take him to bed and you just go on your laptop' :roll:
AllieW said:
Same here, frangelle! Besides, he spends so much time on b3ta etc that I'd probably just have to mention pots, kettles and the colour black and the argument would be won!

Yeah my OH is on here more than me too!!! I love it though coz I get to watch what I want on TV in peace :lol:
Kirsty you and him have just had a baby darling, and it takes a while to all get settled down again, do you remember this with josh?
I had it with stephen and im preparing for it now.

Fiona, thats cos yahoo is a wank site and thats why i only go on there once every two weeks.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Kirsty you and him have just had a baby darling, and it takes a while to all get settled down again, do you remember this with josh?
I had it with stephen and im preparing for it now.

Fiona, thats cos yahoo is a w**k site and thats why i only go on there once every two weeks.

Too right I remember, things were so bad after Josh that we sort of split up for 7 months. I've never told anyone that on here before :oops:
You and your oh defintley need to sit down and have a heart to heart then, cos you dont want that happening again.
It os difficult and stressful after a new addition is in the family and does take q while but as sad as it is it takes a lot of work from both sides, obviously your oh is feeling sensitivew about something.

Good luck
Daniel doesnt really do 'talking'. He just doesnt :?

Things arent half as bad this time round though, we both knew what to expect when Ryan came and we're doing alright. I just wish he understood how hard it is being a full time mum and doing the housework, he thinks its easy. Then if the house isnt tidy he doesnt say anything but next time we argue he'll mention it saying 'You dont even tidy up' :roll:

I cant win with him :lol:
I hate them sort of rows, if he wants the house tody thyen let him tidy it up, you have enuf to do.
I have the complete opposite problem... My hubbys a computer geek...We argue about the computer but mainly cos he's playing online games or other computery type things (like building a model of the Starship Enterprise from part of a floppy disk...yes sad) and not doing much else.

Also the stupid amount of computer guts lying around our apartment gets so bad that I threaten to dump it all...Last time I did this, he built a bloody computer out of all the parts and put it in my 7 year olds bedroom...but shes SEVEN!!!! :x :x :x
Squiglet said:
I have the complete opposite problem... My hubbys a computer geek...We argue about the computer but mainly cos he's playing online games or other computery type things (like building a model of the Starship Enterprise from part of a floppy disk...yes sad) and not doing much else.

Also the stupid amount of computer guts lying around our apartment gets so bad that I threaten to dump it all...Last time I did this, he built a bloody computer out of all the parts and put it in my 7 year olds bedroom...but shes SEVEN!!!! :x :x :x

OMG you're OH sounds exactly like mine!!! My OH built our computer and is always taking a bit off here and adding some there :x

And he's a computer geek :roll: Playing online geeky games all the time!!!
I don't mind, I turn the PC off around 5/6pm unless I know DH is working late. I just feel that if I'm home all day doing what I want to do (be that housework, computer stuff, crafts etc) then I should be around for him when he get's in from work - there's nothing I need to do online in the evenings I can't do during the day. Even if it is just sitting on the sofa together watching TV, I'd far rather devote that time to my DH than an online chat room, emails or what ever. I can relate to why he's saying the "you love the PC more than me" thing really although I don't agree he should make you feel bad about it if it's what you'd prefer to do.
Nicola said:
I don't mind, I turn the PC off around 5/6pm unless I know DH is working late. I just feel that if I'm home all day doing what I want to do (be that housework, computer stuff, crafts etc) then I should be around for him when he get's in from work - there's nothing I need to do online in the evenings I can't do during the day. Even if it is just sitting on the sofa together watching TV, I'd far rather devote that time to my DH than an online chat room, emails or what ever. I can relate to why he's saying the "you love the PC more than me" thing really although I don't agree he should make you feel bad about it if it's what you'd prefer to do.

Heres the thing...Im not much of a TV person, yeah I'll watch Eastenders and BB but I dont sit there all night and FIND something to watch. My hobby is the computer, sorry if thats sad but it is and I resent him for throwing it in my face all the time.

He has no reason to complain, I dont put off housework or neglect the kids, or him for that matter, just to come on here. I have my priorities sorted out and believe it or not the laptop isnt high on the list! If I spent my evenings reading or whatever I dont think he'd bat an eyelid, its just the laptop he's paranoid about. As if Im gonna find a new bloke online and run off with him, its kinda pathetic :|

He should be glad Im not the kind of girl to go out on the lash every weekend with my mates, Id hate to think what he'd be like then :roll:

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