Would You Call Yourself a Romantic?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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Me? Nah, not really.

I can't stand romantic novels, I much prefer fantasy/horror.

Music - rock/alternative/metal...but saying that I am rather partial to a rock ballad! :think:

Films - horror everytime. I don't mind the odd comedy now and again. What Dreams May Come did have me in floods of tears. That film, although a kind of love story was to do mainly with the afterlife though.


I dare you to watch the whole film and not cry at the end!

Clothes - I don't really go for girlie girl stuff, prefer jeans, black, occasional New Agey clothes, I hate pink! Mind you shocking pink doesn't gross me out as much as baby pink does.

Shoes - flats, baseball and army boots, no girlie heels.

Just reading back I like some rock ballads, shocking pink is bearable to me and a certain type of 'love' film can have me sobbing, so maybe there is a little bit of romance deep within my being...wow that was deep! :think:

novels - i mainly read biographys, or murder/mystry/ghost books.

Music - indie/rock/industrial/dance

Films - My favourite films are: Sunshine of a spotless mind, trainspotting, labrynth, breakfast club

Clothes - Hippy clothes mainly, tie dye, jeans, combats, long skirts. short dresses Lots of black tho.

Shoes - Doc marten everyday! new rocks for special occasion. Sketchs for round the house.

Deffinatly wouldnt class my self girly girl. But im not butch either. Im somwhere nice in the middle. lol
novels - i dont really read but when i do i like vampire stories and biographies

Music - indie/rock/industrial/80s/metal in no particular order

Films - cold comfort farm, queen of the damned, top gun

Clothes - Lots of black, jeans, rammstein hoodys and pvc at the weekends

Shoes - biker bootsm, new rocks and heels

I am no girly girl either but i like to look good when i go out. I never used to cry at much but now i am a big wet blanket at times lol. I like to think i am a bit of a romantic given the chance.
Books - Crime/Thriller

Music - Rock/Acoustic

Films - Atm faves inc..Transformers, Stardust, Run fatboy Run

Clothes - Jeans, jeans, jeans and a jumper

Shoes - Cat boots, crocs.

I dont think I'm romantic but I do try hard to be thoughtful :D
No I'm not romantic. I've never watched Bridget Jones or any 'chick flicks'. I never have girlie nights in crying at films about love. The closest I've ever got to reading a romance novel is Jackie Collins and I only read them because they were filthy. I don't wear blouses (they are far too romantic) I don't like soppy music, I've never sang along to Robbie Williams Angels. I am however partial to a bit of....Patience by G n R's, My girl by Madness, Soul to squeeze by RHCP, Let love rule by Lenny Kravitz, This mess we're in by PJ Harvey.....ooo Nothing else matters by Metallica - classic. I could go on all day long....

but you get the idea :wink:
Nah!! Im nice though... :lol:

Books - Like autobiographys and at the moment reading about an abusive father... quite interesting!

Music - All sorts, dance for going out ect

Films - Green Street, Football factory, American Pie

Clothes - Jeans, Topshop style clothes

Shoes - Flats,, trainies, high heels for going out because im short...

Im not girly in any way, i look and dress like a girl and you would never guess but ..
I hate girly movies....
I hate shopping
And i love football
Football games ect...
Books - Decently written ones... and factual based books...

Music - Alternative metal (Deftons ftw) and classical... (don't ask... Im a juxtaposition to myself)

Films - Disaster or holocaust movies...

Clothes - If it ain't black I don't wear it... but never trousers... I have a narrow waist, HUGE hips and thin legs.. Its impossible for my body to look good in trousers.. :shock:

Shoes - High heeled goth boots, but sadly in Spain you die in the summer so... a pair of black ballet pumps or black sandals... as I said.. if it aint black I don't wear it...

I'm not romantic at all... DH isn't either but he thinks it bothers me... when I tell him it doesn't... but he's just sweet
I think I am.

I am into rock music, hate chick flicks (they make me vomit), hate girlyness (Seren is a tomboy and had no choice), despise Valentines day, think it is just a huge commercial pile of crap designed to guilt people into feeling they have to spend money to show their other half they love them, not into ballads whatsoever but in myown way I am quite soppy. Me and OH buy each other daft gifts as a surprise, and goout for meals etc.

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