Worried, please help UPDATE he's all OK now :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Isaac will have had this 'virus' 2weeks on tuesday, we've seen 3 doctors and been to the emergency doctor and rang NHS Direct and been told ALL times he'll be fine, the only thing they've 'done' is take a stool sample, results of which are to be back soon.

Isaac is projectile vomitting on a night, and he does this until he's nothing left to throw up and even then keeps trying for a while. The food he throws up doesn't always appear digested either, and this is hours later, and its always on the evening. He was doing this every other night now its every night. He has incredibly strong, smelly, diahhrea nappies, which are full and both watery and soft stools, I've had smelly nappies before, these are off another planet, they are very, very bad. Last night he started poo'ing on all fours, which is new, and became obvious he was doing it as he was in some pain, yet its nt constipation so he's got abdominal pain too now and he was tired all day, that's just not Isaac, he's never tired, and he's very unhappy and irritable.

If its a virus its fine, its known, he'll be fine, but it worries me that it isn't as e's had it so long and Ophelia, OH and I are fine. I'm worried if he has something more and the time not treating it is causing him underlying damage and pain. He's eating and drinking fine except last night he didn't eat his tea. A friend suggested starving him for 24hrs, keeping up his fluids, as that can starve a virus but I've never heard of this?

ANY help appreciated, I know we're taking to the doctors tomz but dreading another night of him being ill :(
Hi :wave:

I'm an A&E nurse and I think that if your too worried to wait and see doc tomorrow - take him to A&E.

Two weeks is a long time to have a virus and I would demand the Abdomonal pain gets looked at. Hows his water works?

Kim x x x
Ryan's had this for 5 days now and they said to us if it continued for over a week to take him to hospital :?

I'd certainly get him checked out. OH has had the same as Ryan but I've been fine, so it must be something that some people are just immune to. Ryan's been unusually tired too and if it carries on much longer I'm gonna start getting concerned. Although with so many babies having it at the mo it must be taking a while for people to take it seriously.
I'd take him to the hospital hun, get him looked at again if only to put your mind at ease. I know when Jack had sickness/diarrhea we were told not to give him food for 24 hours just fluids but obviously it's best to get the doctor to check him and tell you if thats appropriate for Isaac.

I hope he gets wells soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It doesnt sound like a virus. Virus' don't last 2 weeks... a week maybe...but not as you describe. Take him back to the doctors... every day if you have to until they refer you to a specialist as an emergency... or take him to a&e and refuse to leave till something is done.

It almost sounds like an allergy of some sort. :think: But take him back and back until they get sick and tired of you and do something hun :hug: :hug: :hug: And I hope he gets well soon.
Dylan had a virus last week and they told me it may well last two weeks.
but if you are worried take him to A &E ..is there a childrens A&E near you there is one in DErby and they are fabulous.
hope he picks up soon
aww poor little isaac, i hope he's better soon! i would take him to childrens' a&e, keep nagging them until they do something :hug:
Thankyou so much for the advice and well wishes everyone, sorry I've not replied until now but been busy with these illnesses :roll:

We decided to starve Isaac and thankfully he was so ill he wasn't asking for food anyway, just drinking lots, and anyway he hasn't been sick or had diahrea since :D Whether it was the starving or just coincidence, he is better again and it's such a relief as I was going quite crazy with what on earth was going on. He's since been to Grandma's, fallen on his head on concrete, and now has a mega bruise and lump on his forehead :( but he's otherwise fine.

Thankyou for asking and sending very best wishes, hope this virus or whatever it is just disappears and doesn't get any more babies :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so glad he is better. It is really stressful when LOs are ill :( they are so helpless. Glad you could quickly deal with it. :hug:
When Stephen was vomiting a lot like Issac a couple of years ago we just gave him water cos everytime he ate he spewed up as well. 48 hours of water and a bit of yoghurt it soon cleared up.

Hope hes feeling better now Amy.

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