Windows Vista


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Anybody else have this?

Its doing my head in. I bought a new laptop recently, just a cheap one, nothing fancy but enough to let me play on the internet and listen to music etc.

It wont stay on the internet and not all the plug-ins (whatever they do?) have been relased yet so there is stuff I still cant do.

My OH keeps saying its because I bought a cheap laptop but im sure thats not it, It should at the very least work, shouldnt it?
I have vista - there are a few programs that haven't upgraded their drivers and software for vista yet, which is a bit annoying. But it should work yes! Try messing with the settings in 'Windows Defender' (I think that's what it's called) if it's stopping you doing things..
Oh, Java resets things to default so if you're on a java website it may change your backgrounds to standard backgrounds until you have closed the browser. Also some programs can do this. They still work ok though..
I have vista, but my OH is the computer boff not me so can't help you!!!
I don't have Vista but a friend does and she's had nothing but problems with it (especially with photos or music). I think it's because it's still so new, it's not really "out there" yet and many programmes etc are only set for XP or less I suppose. Not really sure hun, I'm sure someone else will have it to be able to help you more.
I have Vista - it hasn't caused too many problems so far, although we got it with our desktop which is neither top nor bottom of the range, but apparently fairly good according to my DH.
It still has a paddy when you try to do some things and is forever "searching for a solution" to stuff I didn't know had gone wrong :roll:
when I got my laptop it was "vista ready" and i get a free upgrade to vista, but i decided to stick with xp for now till all the bugs in vista are ironed out - you get these problems everytime a new OP is released, but you should be able to roll back to xp if you can get hold of a disc and use that until vista sorts itself out.
I have had Vista since it came out and i havent had many problems at all in fact, hardly any, we had a few teething probs in the very begining but nothing since.
We Bought A Laptop Yest With Vista, It's Working Fine too
Vista's fine with me too... make sure you update it every time it says you need to.

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