Whoo hoo..im so excited


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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My hubby has just surprised me with a 4d scan and its...today! :dance: I did think we were viewing a car (as we looking for one) and he has just told me what it really is! He had to tell me before we left as he read that i needed my notes and couldnt find them. Im so excited as never had one with my 1st.. :D only thing is were having a surprise and im hoping to keep it that way if at all possible.

Do you need a ful bladder? Any tips on how to get the best from it?xx
Wow your OH is amazing you are so lucky!!!! Enjoy it and let us know when you get back!!!! Ps. I havent had one but when I was reading about having one it said you dont need a full bladder like the normal scans. xx
What a fantastic surprise, brownie points to that man! :)
WOW!!! :shock: Does he have a brother?!

Aww that is so lovely and so thoughtful of him! He deserves some bloody good ol' nookie for that tonight Katie!!

Anyway, hope you had a fantastic time at your scan!! Very exciting!! (& you lucky thing, didn't have to go through what I'm going through and counting down the days til the scan :( lol) xx
I agree, SERIOUS brownie points for this one !!!

Make sure you get everything on here wen u get back :)
Hope you had a lovely time hun :cheer:

Your OH sounds like a right sweetie :D
Thanks ladies..well what can i say it was amazing. My lo is so cute (but hey im biased). I was VERY good and said we didnt want to know so she asked us to look away but then said look baby has legs firmly shut and it did! Ha ha. Im going to put pics up and see what you guys think. We get to go back next week for another free sitting as their dvd machine was broke. :dance: I could see bits of me, hubby andd my lil boy in baby's face..made it seem so real.

Oh and baby is almost 2lbs. :D
Aww can't wait to see the pics! It's amazing how you can see their face in so much detail! It's hard to believe that you can feel so connected to your bubs after a scan like that without even meeting them!

P.S - I bet he/she is gorgeous and you're not just biased, by anyone's standards :D xx
Wowww, sounds amazingg !! And weird thing to say but how lucky the machine was broken, get to catch up with LO again next week !!!!!

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