Which nap does your LO drop first?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Just wondering out of curiousity which nap you LO drops first. Alyssia currently has a nap about 8.30-11 then generally from 12.15-3pm, then 4.30-7pm then bottle, bath and bed routine begins at 7 which she will generally be alseep for about 8.30 till 2am a bottle then back down till 7am.

Not pushing her into anything just wondering cos do they naturally do this by themselves?
Both my LO's naturally dropped the 2am feed without me having to do anything. First was around 7 weeks old & 2nd was about 5 weeks old when they dropped that feed.

But I found if they drank less thro the day for whatever reason, they didn't skip the 2am feed, if that makes sense.

Caleb never really dropped a nap. He's nearly 6 months now and he started sleeping until later in the morning and then kind of merged naps together if you see what I mean? He gets up properly now around 10, then naps 12-1.30, 3.30 til 5 and then bed 7pm-7.30am. He has a bottle at 7.30 am then goes back to sleep xx
Harry isnt a big daytime sleeper, today he slept for 2 hours in total but I dont think he needs that much as he isnt grumpy at all!! THink that they dont exactly drop naps but the naps get shorter!!
no idea but id love to get my LO into ur routine, how u gether to go from 7pm to 2 am nt then on till 7 amwithout waking or getting hungry
Well she fell into a 4 hour routine herself so she feeds at 7am, 11am, 3pm then 7pm where i always do a bottlebath bed routine (this is the only one I make sure she does as sometimes she will nap past 7) we used to do a feed at 11pm but she dropped that herself and goes through till 2am. I must admit that since we have been using the swaddle me's she is sleeping longer. Sometimes she will start to stir at 6am but pop her dummy in and she will go off again on her own. Shes done the 4 hour thing since she was a few weeks old, she is FF which I should add!! xxx
I had been wondering the same thing, and when they drop a nap. Elyssa sleeps 7pm till 8am (bottle at 10pm) and her naps are 915 till 10, 1230 till 2 and 4-5. Feel like she is always napping!

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