where is everybody?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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Hey, where is everybody today? Seems really quiet on here tonight!! I'm so bored, my BF is playing the XBox, my son is in bed...I need some company. Hello?.....
Helloooooo! :bored: :sleep: I'm sleepy mabey thats what everyones doing? xx
I'M HERE :wave:
but only for hmmm few hours as i'll be moving to tri 3 soon :cheer:
I'm here. What has everyone been up to? I have a week off work so caught up with 3 of my friends who all already have children. We had cake & they piled me up with bits & bobs including some VERY useful maternity clothes! Yay.
:wave: Hi I'm here to but its a flying visit. A friend has given us some arcade games for the computer so we've been re-living our childhood! Got to bet him at track and field!!! :lol:
I'm here, hello.

I made the mistake of watching a KFC advert on the telly and now I want one!!
Oooh I had KFC today, im so hooked on them! Yum yum!

Ooh, and Im here too but also sleepy, and also have OH playing XBox in the bedroom - he's promised he'll be done in 30 mins so hopefully Ill get an early night then! :sleep: x
I'm dreading OH coming back from the states, he has 'invested' in an Xbox, PS3 and a nintendo ds since he has been there! I can't understand the obsessions with them.
Im just waiting to call our landlord to ask him to make us homeless because he wants to put up the rent and we cant afford it.

Also listening to Tears for Fears and lots of other 80s stuff so doing some dancing too! :D

Sadly I do understand the computer game obsession! Everyone NEEDS a Nintendo DS!
Hey ladies, I know about the sleepy thing, feel like that too. Been working longer hours this week, but after tomorrow I've got a week off so can't wait!! It'll be my first break in about 6 months since we went on holiday last summer. Didn't get a Christmas/New Year break because I work in a pub so obviously it's our busiest time. It is now much needed and wanted, can't wait to relax a little and spend some time with my son. I miss him now he goes to nursery 3 days a week.

HHmmmm, that KFC is sounding good. I made lasagne for tea which I really enjoyed but that was hours ago - think I could manage some chicken now, or a zinger burger....NO STOP!! Must stop eating!
I'm here ive been left for a game of FIFA 08 tonight........ MEN, tut.

Not been on much this last week, well not as much as i normally am anyway, i guess i've been busy and im trying to get every room in the house decorated all at the same time.....lol.
Going to try and get on here more.
busy and im trying to get every room in the house decorated
Know what you mean, I've just finished the lounge, doing our bedroom on thursday and friday hopefully when off work so hubby can finish while i'm working over easter, then plan to decorate the Nursery as started clearing it out at the weekend and then our front bedroom and hallway!!!
Its never ending.

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