When do I have a scan?!

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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I have my first midwife's appointment on 5th Feb and I will be 7 weeks gone then and on my notes it doesn't say anything about the dating scan so I called the doctors and no-body on reception seemed to know what would happen at the appointment! :roll: I thought I was having the scan in my excitement I didn't listen properly!

So when is it normal to have the first scan? Just so I know the right questions to ask at the first appointment. I am all ready to go and book a private one but if it's normal to have one in the next few weeks then I will hold off.

I just want to make sure everything is ok in there.
Usually the 7 week appointment (done anywhere from 6-9 weeks) is a booking in consultation, tells you what's going to happen, what tests you will be offered, how many times you will be seen etc.

At that point (once they know the pregnancy is "safe") they book you in for your dating scan around the 12 week marker (again anywhere between 11 and 14 is normal it varies from practice to practice and different areas etc).

So most ladies get:

Week 7: Consultation
Week 12: First Scan (dating, checking for heartbeat etc)
Week 16: Lifestyle consultation, discuss ante-natal class options, foods etc
Week 20: Second Scan (what is commonly known as the gender scan)
Week 24: Optional consultation if you have questions/concerns
Week 28: Repeat bloods, urine, glucose tests, tummy examination
Week 32: As at 28
Week 34: At the GP surgery consultation repeat tests if week 32's not good
Week 38: Blood pressure, urine, abdominal feeling etc
Week 40: As 38, membrane sweep also discussed/offered
Week 41: Discussion to have baby before 42 weeks - options given.

hopefully that will help a lot of ladies with similar questions!

Nicola xx
Thank you so much Nicola :D

I don't know if I will be able to wait till the 12th week to see the little bugger, I just need to know everything is ok! I am so impatient!
Also just thought, there is a history of twins on both sides of our familes, would that make any difference to when I would have a scan?
You can mention the twin history at the consultation....they might book you in for an early scan - I had one at 6w5d so I'm sure if you mention there's a strong twin history you might get in for a 7 week scan (they might even do it there and then!). You never know....try it, you can but ask!! Good luck it's so exciting isn't it?! xx
Oh if you are pregnant with twins you get 4 scans instead of 2 (unless something causes concern you'll have more!) xx

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