what time is bed time?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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lo is 8 weeks old. What time should an 8 week old go to bed? Thanks
At 8 weeks corey had his last feed at 10pm and was up in his crib then. He would then wake at 5am for a feed, then again at 8am, and we started the day!

By about 10-11 weeks this was moving toward 8pm, and by 15 weeks it was 7pm.

But some ppl do just fine without bedtimes I hear... just going with the flow, tho I think id go mad if I didnt get my evenings!
Finn didn't have a bedtime when he was 8 weeks old because he just slept all the time but when he reached about 3 months and wasn;t sleeping as much during the day, we noticed that he started getting tired around 7/8. Now he goes to bed around about 7 o clock - sometimes earlier if he's especially tired, sometimes later if we're out or my parents are over.
Depends on the baby.

Our LO has been going to bed between 8-9pm for a fair few weeks now. Before that he would nap in the early evening, wake around 7pm then be awake till 10pmish. We slowly changed it and now he is happy to go to bed between 8-9. We are slowly bringing it forward to 7.30pm.

If your LO is happy to go down at 7pm and wakes for a feed around 11pm and then in the night then thats fine. If he is up till 10pm or later I'd be looking to try to start bringing that forward a bit each week.
We're 7-7.30 now. From early on she was put in her moses basket in our (dark) bedroom from 8.30pm at the latest after a bath and a bottle, depending on colickyness. She never slept in her moses basket during the day and was much more settled at night (though she still woke regularly for feeds in the early days) and awake during the day (nothing has changed except her dropping the night feeds).

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