what time is bed time?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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lo is 8 weeks old and goes to bed at 1845 after a 1800 feed - does anyone think this is too early? What times do your lo's go to bed?
is lo sleeping through the night, if so then no it isnt too early.
Our lo has always went to bed at the same time as us which is about 10pm.

Do what ever suits you and your lo. xxx
Whatever works for you. I know many of my friends put their babies to bed around 7pm so not far from your 6.45pm.

My LO goes to bed at 8pm these days, but she is a little older. The reason for this is that she sleeps for 12 - 13 hours (with a top up feed when I go to bed around 11pm and another feed at 5am) and I quite like to stay in bed until 8 - 9am in the morning. If she was to go to bed before 7pm she would wake up earlier in the morning too...

I believe your baby still sleeps longer hours at night so you should be ok. If she starts waking up too early in the morning to your liking then you could consider putting her to bed a bit later :D
Calleigh goes to bed between 7-8pm depending on how tired she is :)
Caitlyn goes to bed at 9ish, it suits us for the time being as we like a lie in rather than early mornings hehe.l
all mine go to bed at 7pm and are all usually asleep by 8pm-8.30pm
Until he was 3 months he had cuddles until we went to bed & went in his basket then. After that he went in his onw room so we used to put him down at about 9.30pm. When he was about 6 months we got stricter with his routine & put him down about 9.

We now start his bedtime at about 8pm and he's always in bed by 8:45. I'd like to bring it a bit earlier but he already wakes up at 6am & I can't cope with his getting up any earlier, I'm shattered enough as it is.
NIE said:
Our lo has always went to bed at the same time as us which is about 10pm.

Do what ever suits you and your lo. xxx
how did u ever get any time together on your own?
We started getting our daughter ready for bed at 5pm for 6pm, but changed it to 6pm for 7pm, she stared sleeping through when she was about 9 weeks. This was best for us as it gave us time on our own. :)
Between 7 p.m. and 7.30 p.m.
And he wakes up between 7 a.m. and 7.30 a.m. :D
I let Maia lead the way when it comes to bedtime, sometimes she's in bed for 6:30pm it really depends on when she woke from her afternoon nap but generally anywhere between 6:30pm and 7:30pm.

I cant keep her up when she's tired and she wont take another nap cause she wants to go to bed. She sleeps through till 7:00am sometime she wakes a little earlier at 6:30am or sometimes a little later till 8:00am and we dreamfeed at 11:00pm.

I started a bedtime routine at around 5 weeks old and she has gone to bed at this time since then.
We started at around 7-7.30ish when she was youunger (led by her when she dropped the cluster evening feeds), but she is a sleep monster and now is usually ready between 6.30 and 7ish, and sleeps (or at least is happy on her own) for 13-14 hours. I used to think it was a bit early but she needs it so........
Do what ever fits in with you - we normally eat around 7.30 and its nice to have her settled so we can have some adult time.
My LO is 20 weeks old and he still goes to bed around 10 or 11pm. He will not go to sleep any earlier. He normally wakes at 4am for a bottle also. I just don't think he likes sleep! He hardly naps in the day either! He just doesn't like to miss out on anything!
melissa used to go to bed at same time as us at first (midnight to 1am) until she was 3 months old she became soooooo grouchy in the evenings, so we tried a bedtime routine- it worked a treat. since then her bedtime is around 7.30pm give or take 30 minutes
Ryan has always gone to bed between 6 and 7. This works for us and our lifestyle and I don't see the need for a baby to be up til 10, 11 at night. When they start school and preschool and the likes, they would need to be in a better sleep pattern, so why not set a reasonable time to start with.

Everyone I know thinks 6-7 is too early but it works fine for us so I'm sticking at that.

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